Exercise/Project class

The weekly exercise sessions are Thursdays 12:15 - 13:00.

We will use Nullrommet for the exercise sessions and supervision of the projects.

Important! If you don't have access to this room, send your username, full name (first name, last name etc.) and study programme to abdullah [dot] abdulhaque [at] ntnu [dot] no.


The recommended programming language is Python. You can also use MATLAB.

If you wish to use another programming language, you are free to do so, but make sure that you have installed a decent numerical linear algebra library and a library for creating plots.


Suggestions for weekly exercises will be given here. These exercises are not compulsory, but they will develop your skills to pass the final exam and your programming abilities (essential for the project work). Solutions will be provided from time to time, but, for obvious reasons, we strongly recommend you to try and solve the problems without using the solution.

Old exams

Date Exam Solution
Dec. 08 Norsk, English English
Dec. 09 Norsk, English English
Dec. 10 English English
Aug. 11 English English
Dec. 12 English
Dec. 13 English English
Dec. 14 English English

The exams and solutions are given for your convenience. There have been changes in the curriculum which makes some problems obsolete.

2017-12-07, Abdullah Abdulhaque