Participants and their inter-disciplinary backgrounds:


Tuesday 27th Nov Presentations
1830‑2030 Reception Snacks and drinks. Literaturhuset
Wednesday 28th Nov Symposium room EL1
0830‑0900 Coffee/Tea
0900‑0915 Symposium welcome Kanna Rajan PDF
0915‑0945 Dag Slagstad, SINTEF Ocean, NO Comparing ocean model output with measurements. What is a reasonably well fit? PDF Session Chair: Kanna Rajan
0945‑1015 Jenny Ullgren, Runde Environmental Centre , NO A two-year time series of current velocity from moored buoys in a Western Norwegian fjord system PDF
1015‑1100 Coffee Break
1100‑1130 Ilker Fer, Univ. of Bergen , NO The NorGlider infrastructure and recent results from the Lofoten Basin PDF
1130‑1200 Raphe Kudela, Univ. of California Santa Cruz , US The potential of high-fidelity spatial, spectral, temporal, and radiometric sensors to advance aquatic remote sensing beyond chlorophyll PDF
1200‑1230 Laurent Bertino, Nansen Env. & Remote Sens. Ctr (NERSC), NO Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Arctic sea ice forecasting: towards a fully Lagrangian approach PDF
1230‑1330 Lunch at Sit Kafe Kjelhuset, on campus – short walk from symposium venue
1330‑1400 Discussion Grand Challenges in Modeling: Slagstad, Jan Van Leeuwen, Berntsen (moderated by IE)
1400‑1500 Poster session Poster information
1500‑1530 Jarle Berntsen, Univ. of Bergen , NO Modern tools and methods, numerical models, and ocean science PDF Session Chair: Ingrid Ellingsen
1530‑1600 Susana Barbosa, INESC TEC , PO Assessing regional and global variability from oceanographic time series PDF
1600‑1630 Bryan Low, National Univ. of Singapore Informative Gaussian Process Planning with Lipschitz Continuous Reward Functions: Towards Unifying Adaptive Sampling, Bayesian Optimization, Active Learning, and Beyond PDF
1630‑1700 Oscar Pizarro, Univ. of Sydney, AUS Field trials of Multi-vehicle Adaptive Robotic Surveys for Seafloor Mapping and Characterization PDF
1700‑1800 OPEN session Discussion
1830‑2100 Dinner Røst Bistro in downtown Trondheim. Walking instructions.
Thursday 29th Nov Symposium room EL1
0830‑0900 Coffee/Tea
0900‑0930 Paulo Relvas, Univ. of Algarve , PO The importance of the mesoscale processes in the Western Iberia oceanography PDF Session Chair: Raphe Kudela
0930‑1000 Kai Christensen, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, NO Short term predictions of oceanic drift PDF
1000‑1030 Jose da Silva, Univ. of Porto , PO Submesoscale Eddies and Internal Waves: from the base of the mixed layer to the sea surface microlayer PDF
1030‑1100 Coffee Break
1100‑1130 Peter Jan Van Leeuwen, Univ. of Reading and Colorado State, UK/US Nonlinear data assimilation for ocean applications PDF
1130‑1200 Jarno Vanhatalo, Univ. of Helsinki , FI Bayesian model-based spatiotemporal survey design for log-Gaussian Cox process PDF
1200‑1220 Transit* Kvilhaugen restaurant. Walking instructions
1220‑1330 Lunch
1330‑1400 Discussion Sampling & Control: Low, Relvas, Eidsvik & Fer Session Chair: Ilker Fer
1400‑1430 Ajit Subramaniam, Columbia Univ., US Observational Oceanography: From the Crow’s Nest to Satellites PDF
1430‑1500 Rick Stumpf, NOAA (Nat. Ocean. Atm. Admin.), US Looking for Harmful Algal Blooms from Satellite PDF


The Trondheim perspective
1500-1515: Tor Arne JohansenCoordinated marine and aerial vehicles with SmallSats
1515-1530: Glaucia Moreira FragosoUnderstanding biology in dynamic regions
1530-1545: Ingrid EllingsenImproving our understanding of coastal marine ecosystems
1545-1600: Jo‑EidsvikValue of information analysis for efficient sampling
1600-1615: Q&A



1615-1630 Transit*
Dinner On your own
Friday 30th Nov Symposium room EL1
0830‑0900 Coffee/Tea
0900‑0930 Renato Mendes, Univ. of Porto , PO Networked robotic systems: the Douro River plume case study PDF Session Chair: Ajit Subramaniam
0930‑1000 Carolina Sa, Univ. of Lisbon , PO Ocean Colour and the monitoring of Phytoplankton off the Portuguese coast PDF
1000-1030 Coffee Break
1030-1100 Yogesh Girdhar, WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.) , US Co-Exploration and Monitoring in the Bandwidth Limited Environments PDF
1100-1130 João Tasso Univ. of Porto, PO Coordinated ship-robotic surveys: lessons learned and future challenges PDF
1130-1200 Wrap up and Summary Conclusions and next steps PDF Session Chair: Jo Eidsvik
1200-1300 Lunch at Sit Kafe Elektro, same building as the symposium venue

* For those who would prefer to, a van ride would be available

2019-07-25, jacopop