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I tabellen finnes en kolonne med informasjon om hvilke eksamensoppgaver som ikke er relevante. To merknader går igjen, 'Ikke relevant' og 'Pensum i MX'. 'Ikke relevant' betyr at du ikke trenger å kunne noe om det. 'Pensum i MX' betyr at jeg antar at du kan besvare oppgaven, men det betyr også at det ikke kommer på eksamen i år.

Exam Problems Solutions Remarks Relevant?
Spring 2006 pdf pdf There is an error in problem 2a:
The function f is equal to 1 for pi/2 < x < pi, not for pi/2 < x < 1.
6: Ikke relevant.
Autumn 2006 pdf pdf
Autumn 2007 pdf pdf In problem 1, the integration should be with respect to u and not t (in other words: replace the dt in the integral by du).
In the solution of problem 2b, the time dependent part should be e((1-(n/2)^2)t instead of e1-(n/2)^2 t.
In problem 4b, the approximation for u' '(0.1) is 4.545 and not 5.03 as claimed in the solutions.
4a: Pensum i M3.
Spring 2008 pdf pdf 4b: Ikke relevant.
5b: Pensum i M1.
Autumn 2008 pdf pdf 4b: Ikke relevant.
Spring 2009 pdf pdf
Autumn 2009 pdf pdf 6: Ikke relevant.
Spring 2010 pdf pdf 6: Ikke relevant.
Autumn 2010 pdf pdf
Spring 2011 pdf pdf In problem 4b, the ODE should have been y''-6y'+9y=0.
Autumn 2012 pdf
Autumn 2013 pdf pdf Noe tull i oppgave 1b.
Autumn 2014 pdf pdf There is an error in problem 5a:
The interpolation points xi should be -2,-1,0,1,2 instead of -2,1,0,1,2.
5b: Pensum i M1.
6b: Ikke relevant.
Spring 2015 pdf pdf 7: Ikke relevant.
Autumn 2015 pdf pdf 5: Pensum i M1.
9: Ikke relevant.
Spring 2016 pdf pdf 1: Ikke relevant.
4: Pensum i M1.
8: Ikke relevant.
August 2016 pdf pdf 3: Pensum i M1.
4: Ikke relevant.
Autumn 2016 pdf pdf 7: Pensum i M1.
9: Ikke relevant.
Spring 2017 pdf pdf In the solution of problem 8, p. 6, the matrix formula in the middle of the page, the vector (2,0,0) should be (4,0,0). The rest of the solution should be corrected accordingly. 5: Ikke relevant.
6: Pensum i M1.
August 2017 pdf pdf In the solution of problem 2b), the sign of k in equation (1) and (2) should be the opposite for the rest of the solution to make sense. In the solution of problem 5, the y_2 should use 0.995, and not 1 in their computation. 5: Forbedret Euler=Heuns metode.
Autumn 2017 pdf pdf 3c: Pensum i M3.
4a: Pensum i M1.
6: Ikke relevant.
Spring 2018 pdf pdf 4a: Pensum i M1.
7c: Denne kan du løse slik du vil. Blås i retningslinjene.

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