
On this page you will find the actual exercise sets and solution proposals as well as administrative information regarding the exercise activities.

Homework assignments

Homework assignments will be published here.

Week Relevant exercise sheet Type Deadline Topic Plenary exercise session Notes from plenary session TA
35 exercise_01.pdf N Mon, Sept 13, 11:59 Interpolation tma4130_plenumsregning_01.pdf plenumsregning_exercises_01.pdf LR
36 exercise_02.pdf, exercise_02.ipynb,open exercise_02 in our Jupyterhub N Fri, Sept 24, 16:00 Numerical Integration plenumsregning_02.pdf DC
37 exercise_03.pdf N Wed Sep 29, 16:00 Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Equations Notes from PR 03.pdf Exercises for PR 03.pdf DC
38 exercise_04.pdf A Wed Oct 06, 11:59 Laplace Transform Notes MT
39 exercise_05.pdf A Wed Oct 13, 11:59 Laplace Transform Notes MT
40 exercise_06.pdf exercise_06.ipynb, open exercise_06 in our Jupyterhub N Wed Oct 27, 23:59 Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations Notes DC
41 exercise_07.ipynb, open exercise_07 in our Jupyterhub,exercise_07.pdf N Wed Oct 27, 23:59 Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations Jup. notebook DC
42 exercise_08.pdf A Wed Nov 3, 23:59 Fourier Series plenumsregning_08.pdf LR
43 exercise_09.pdf A Wed Nov 10, 23:59 Fourier Series plenumsregning_09.pdf LR
44 exercise_10.pdf A Wed Nov 17, 23:59 Fourier Transform plenumsregning_10.pdf LR
45 exercise_11.pdf A Fri Nov 19, 23:59 Heat Equation and Wave Equation Plenumsregning 11 Notes MT

There will 11 exercise sets in total, and at least 6 for the analytical part on Laplace transforms, Fourier analysis and PDEs and 5 for the numerical methods taught in this class, see Lecture plan. Those exercise sets are either marked with A(nalytical) or N(umerical in the table above. To be granted access to the exam you need

  • at least 6 approved exercise sets in total, and
  • at least 3 approved exercise sets marked as A and 3 approved exercise sets marked as N.

So, for example getting all 4 (N) exercise sets approved , but only 2 exercise sets marked with (A), won't grant you access to the exam. Also, it is strongly recommended that you complete all exercise sets.

Exercise groups

Exercise groups scheduled according to our course schedule, starting from week 35. If you do not know the exact location of the room, just follow the MazeMap link provided in the course schedule. Currently, the following slots will served

Day Time TA Place Physical/Digital/Hybrid Seat capacity
Monday 08.15-10 Victor Sætre Aasvær MA24 D
Monday 14.15-16 Jasper Steinberg H3 414 Gorg Høgskoleringen 3 P 43
Monday 16.15-18 Amanda Axcrona EL1 Gamle elektro D 36
Monday 16.15-18 Bjørn André Aaslund H3 414 Gorg Høgskoleringen 3 P 43
Tuesday 08.15-10 Vemund Hjertvik Lenes VE20 Verkstedteknisk P 49
Tuesday 16.15-18 Sebastian Knedahl Hansen H3 414 Gorg Høgskoleringen 3 P 43
Tuesday 16.15-18 Audun Midttun Systad H3 524 Fraggle Høgskoleringen 3 P 44
Wednesday 08.15-10 Truls Helge Øi VE20 Verkstedteknisk P 49
Wednesday 08.15-10 Jørgen Norvik Bakken MA24 Grønnbygget D 25
Wednesday 10.15-12 Konrad Jervell GK1 Gamle kjemi D 24
Wednesday 16.15-18 Morgan Heggland Landmålerhallen Byggteknisk D 55
Wednesday 16.15-18 Halvor Herlyng EL4 P 24
Wednesday 16.15-18 Oscar Petlund H3 524 Fraggle Høgskoleringen 3 P 44
Monday 14.15-16 Kristian Gendron EL4 P 24
Thursday 16.15-18 Aleksandra Grødem R10 Realfagbygget D 53

The default language during the tutorial sessions is Norwegian, but during the tutorials, questions can of course be asked in English (and of course will then be answered in English as well).

Submissions: time and place

You must submit your exercise set via ovsys2 and you also can check there how many of your exercise sets have been approved.

It is your responsibility to pay attention to your own progress and contact your student assistant immediately if something seems wrong. If you are not in the exercise tracking system, please contact your student assistant informing him or her about the situation and giving your full name, study program, and username.

Approvals from previous semesters

Compulsory exercise activities from earlier Calculus 4N/4D courses which were approved as a whole (not only individual exercises!) should get approved automatically for the 2021 fall edition of Calculus 4N. This can be only checked by NTNU staff who has access to FS (Felles Studentsystem), for instance members of the department office (Instituttkontor) at IMF. We as the course team do not have access to FS. Please send studies related administration inquiries directly to department office via NTNU hjelp/IMF studiesaker.

2021-11-17, André Jürgen Massing