Staff and contact

Below you find an overview over the entire TMA4130 team including contact information and office hours.

Before you write us an email please be beware of the following:

  • All technical questions related to the lecture material, exercises and material should be posed and discussed on our discussion forum.
  • If you have any administration related question, please make sure that you have read through the frequently asked questions (FAQ) first. Any question which is sent by email but already answered under FAQ will be ignored.
  • You can also send private message to the course staff via the Q&A forum.


André Massing: Room 1340 Sentralbygg II (andre [dot] massing [at] ntnu [dot] no). Office hours: Wednesday, 16.15-17.15 (Please send me an email to schedule an appointment beforehand.)

Elisabeth Köbis: Room 1054 Sentralbygg II (elisabeth [dot] kobis [at] ntnu [dot] no). Office hours: Tuesdays, 12.00-14.00 (Please send me an email to schedule an appointment beforehand.)

Teaching assistants

Main teaching assistants email
Ludwig Rahm ludwig [dot] rahm [at] ntnu [dot] no
Diego Caudillo diego [dot] caudillo [at] ntnu [dot] no
Matthew Tandy (4D) matthew [dot] tandy [at] ntnu [dot] no
Teaching assistants email
Kristian Thor Gendron kristtge [at] ntnu [dot] no
Oscar Petlund oscarp [at] ntnu [dot] no
Bjørn Andre Aaslund bjoraaa [at] ntnu [dot] no
Jørgen Norvik Bakken jorgnb [at] ntnu [dot] no
Morgan Feet Heggland morganfh [at] ntnu [dot] no
Konrad Emil R. Jervell kejervel [at] ntnu [dot] no
Sebastian Knedahl Hansen sebastkh [at] ntnu [dot] no
Audun Midttun Systad audunms [at] ntnu [dot] no
Halvor Herlyng halvoher [at] ntnu [dot] no
Maria Opland mariaopl [at] ntnu [dot] no
Victor Sætre Aasvær victosaa [at] ntnu [dot] no
Jasper Steinberg jaspers [at] ntnu [dot] no
Aleksandra Grødem aleksgro [at] ntnu [dot] no
Truls Helge Øi oi [at] ntnu [dot] no
Amananda Axcora abaxcron [at] stud [dot] ntnu [dot] no
Vemund Lenes vemundhl [at] ntnu [dot] no
2022-08-01, Per Kristian Hove