1. I have a question, where/whom do I ask?

We want to make sure that you get the support you need and that your questions will be answered as fast a possible with the human resources at our disposal. From previous experiences the following algorithm turned out to be the fastest and most scalable one:

  1. Check whether your question is already answered here/in the FAQ list.
  2. Check whether your question is already be taken up in the Q&A forum. The forum is organised according to different categories and has a search function, so it should be fast and easy to check whether your problem has already been considered!
  3. If 1. or 2. are not true and your question might be relevant to other students as well (most of the time!) and there are no privacy concerns, please use the forum (You can post questions anonymously!). The entire course staff (and hopefully also many of your class mates!) will monitoring the Q&A forum constantly. This guarantees much faster replies than writing emails to individual instructors/TAs. Also the forum supports LaTeX, Code highlighting etc., and makes is easier to pose mathematical/code related question than in an emails.
  4. If your question requires more privacy protection or is with high probability only relevant for you, you can send the course staff a private message via the Q&A forum. Depending on your question, you might of course also approach us individually!
  5. Studies related administration inquiries should be send directly to department office via NTNU hjelp/IMF studiesaker.

2. How do I qualify to take the exam?

There will be 12 exercise sets in total, to be granted access to the exam you need at least 6 approved exercise sets in total, 3 of which need to be of type A and 3 of which should be of type N, see Exercises for details.

3. When do you publish the homework assignments?


4. What is deadline for submission of homework assignments?


5.Where do I submit my assignments?

Assignments are submitted via ovsys2.

6. I was sick, can I get an extension/exception?

Usually, without any proper medical certificate, no extensions will be granted for short-term illness. Students with special needs who require special accommodation can contact the service for special needs accommondation.

If you want us to consider granting an extension, please contact us well in advance. Extension requests just on the weekend before the submission deadline will usually be ignored. In summary, you really need to have a non-trivial and well-documented reason to obtain an exception and you have to ask well in advance. Note that the 8 out 12 approved assignments is also to accommodate for the usual things that happens in life that might keep you from finishing/submitting your homework.

7. What about exercise activities already approved in an earlier course?

Compulsory exercise activities from earlier Calculus 4N/4D courses which were approved as a whole (not only individual exercises!) should get approved automatically for this semester's edition of Calculus 4N. This can be only checked by NTNU staff who has access to FS (Felles Studentsystem), for instance members of the department office (Instituttkontor) at IMF. We as the course team do not have access to FS. Please send studies related administration inquiries directly to department office via NTNU hjelp/IMF studiesaker.

8. Which course book do we use?

Much of the taught material can be found in Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, 10th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011, heavily supplemented by lectures notes and Jupyter notebooks. The book can be bought for instance at NTNU's local book store akademika.

9. Is the curriculum the same as last year's edition/earlier Calculus 4N courses?

Overall, the curriculum will of course consider the same topics outlined in course description. Nevertheless, there will be variations from year to year, as different lecturers might put different emphasis on different topics, and even the same lecturer might decide to adapt and improve the curriculum over several reading cycles. Also, different editions of the course book might differ. Thus, if you have taken the course earlier, it is nevertheless strongly recommend that you study the provided material of this year's edition so that you won't be surprised in the final exam, for instance by the fact that we might have used a different programming language than the one you were exposed to in an earlier course.

10. How will the exam be conducted?

  • Time and duration: TBA
  • Format: school exam
  • Grading scale: letter grades

For more detailed information, please have a look at our Final exam page.

11. When will my homework be graded?

The homework assignments will typically be graded within 2 weeks.

12. When will the homework solutions be published?

We will typically publish the homework solutions 3 weeks after the hand-in deadline. This is to accommodate students that got an extension on the homework.

2022-08-01, Per Kristian Hove