TMA4230 Functional analysis, Spring 2022
Office hours: Tuesday 16:15-17:00 in 944, SB2.
Due to restrictions LECTURES and Exercises IN THE FIRST TWO WEEKS WILL BE DIGITAl USING THE FOLLOWING ZOOM LINK Meeting ID: 922 2568 3370 Passcode: 019739
Lecturer: Andrii Bondarenko and Xu Wang
Teaching assistant: Yan He
Current plan:
Week 2: Tuesday (Xu), Thursday (Andrii)
Week 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Xu)
Week 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (Andrii)
Week 16, 17 Repetition (Xu and Andrii)
Please contact us by email if you have any questions.
The course will be given in English and to a large extent will be based on material from A. Bowers and N.J. Kalton An Introductory Course in Functional Analysis, see previous years. In addition lectures notes and exercises will be part of the syllabus.
Lecture notes and more problems
Look at the Blackboard page to find the lecture notes, exercices and the recorded lectures
Problems form 2020: tma4230.pdf
Notes on finite dimensional Legendre duality : banach1.pdf
Notes on Hahn Banach theorem: banach2.pdf
Notes on dual of Lp space: banach3.pdf
Relevant online lectures
Reference group
Exam information
The exam will be oral