Lecture plan
Date | Topics | Reading |
Introduction, notion and existence of solutions | ||
Week 2 | Overview Formulation of a minimization problem Definitions of minima Lower semi-continuity and coercivity Existence theorems for minima | N&W, Chapters 1, 2.1 Minimisers of Optimisation Problems |
Theory and methods for unconstrained optimization | ||
Taylor's theorem in higher dimensions 1st order necessary conditions | N&W, Chapter 2.1 | |
Week 3 | 2nd order necessary and sufficient conditions Convex sets and functions | N&W, Chapter 2.1 Basic Properties of Convex Functions |
Line search methods Armijo (backtracking) line search The Wolfe conditions | N&W, Chapter 3.1 | |
Week 4 | Convergence of backtracking methods Goldstein conditions Wolfe conditions Algorithmic approach to the Wolfe conditions Zoutendijk's result Convergence rate of line search methods | N&W, Chapters 3.1-3.3 For the lecture on Friday I suggest to read through chapter 3.2 including the proof of Theorem 3.2. |
Week 5 | Conjugate Gradient methods Nonlinear CG methods Fletcher-Reeves and Polack-Ribière | N&W, Chapters 5.1, 5.2 |
Week 6 | Polack-Ribière and Hestenes-Stiefel method | N&W, Chapter 5.2 |
Quasi-Newton methods SR1 method DFP and BFGS methods Superlinear Convergence of the BFGS method | N&W, Chapters 6.1, 6.2, 6.4 We won't discuss the proof of the superlinear convergence of BFGS. However, feel free to read the details yourself. In this case, you might also want to read through Theorems 3.6 and 3.7 in Chapter 3, though. |
Week 7 | Summary of Line search methods Convergence speed Discussion of computational complexity | |
Idea of trust region methods Cauchy point and dogleg method | N&W, Chapter 4.1 | |
Week 8 | 2d subspace minimization Exact solution of the trust region problem | N&W, Chapter 4.1 |
Non-linear least squares Gauss-Newton method Levenberg-Marquardt method | N&W, Chapter 10.3 | |
Theory and methods for constrained optimization | ||
Notation and basic ideas | N&W, Chapters 12.1, 12.2 | |
Week 9 | Tangent cones Feasible and linearized feasible directions Constraint qualifications Necessary conditions KKT-conditions Second order necessary and sufficient conditions | N&W Chapters 12.1-12.4 |
Week 10 | Quadratic penalty method for equality constrained optimisation Nonsmooth penalty methods Augmented Lagrangian method | N&W, Chapters 17.1-17.3 |
Week 11 | Augmented Lagrangian method Penalty methods for inequality constraints Barrier methods for inequality constraints Sequential quadratic programming Merit functions | N&W Chapters 17.3, 19.1, 19.6, 18.1-18.4 In contrast to the approach taken by Nocedal & Wright, we will only regard barrier methods as an alternative to penalty methods, but not consider the relation to linear interior point methods (which we will discuss in the following weeks). |
Week 12 | Non-smooth merit function for Newton's methods Sequential quadratic programming with inequality constraints Maratos effect | N&W, Chapters 18.1-18.4, 15.5 |
Duality in constrained optimisation Weak duality | N&W, Chapter 12.9 Our initial discussion about primal and dual problems was a bit more detailed than what you find in Nocedal & Wright. However, you will find a short summary of the main results (although without proofs) on a future exercise sheet. |
Basics of linear optimisation Problems in standard form | N&W, Chapter 13.1 | |
Week 13 | Linear Optimisation Primal and dual problems Geometry of linear optimisation problems Interior point methods for linear programming | N&W, Chapters 13.1, 13.2, 14.1 |
Week 14 | There will be no lectures in this week. Instead, I will be available in Nullrommet at the usual lecture times for questions concerning the second project. | |
Week 15 | Easter holidays | |
Week 16 | Basics of quadratic programming Interior point methods for quadratic programming The gradient projection method | N&W, Chapters 16.1, 16.6, 16.7 There is no lecture on Tuesday in this week. |
Week 17 | Repetition and questions | The last lecture is held on Tuesday, April 25th. |
N&W always refers to the textbook J. Nocedal and S. Wright: Numerical Optimization, 2nd Edition. Springer, 2006.