Information about the lecture
Official course description
The lecture is held by Markus Grasmair, room 1040 SB2;
Time and place
- Tuesday 08:15-10:00, lecture hall S3.
- Friday 08:15-10:00, lecture hall S3.
- Office hours:
- Friday 10:00-11:00.
The first lecture will be held on Tuesday, January 10.
Note that the place of the lectures and exercises has changed. They will now all take place in lecture hall S3.
Exercise sessions: when, where and how to get access
Teaching Assistant: Fredrik Hildrum.
The exercises will be published here.
When and where: Wednesdays 15:15-16:00, Nullrommet (Room 380A in floor 3 of Sentralbygg II ).
Nullrommet is a computer lab with 26 machines equipped with Linux (Ubuntu) and lots of scientific software (including MATLAB and Python IDEs), but it is possible to remotely access Windows from them, too. You can of course bring your own computer.
To find Nullrommet, either use Mazemap or follow these steps.
If you do not have access to Nullrommet, Matteland (floor 3 of Sentralbygg II) or the computers there, please send an email with your
- full name,
- NTNU username, and
- student EM-number, that is, the EM-number printed on the back of your student ID card
to fredrik [dot] hildrum [at] ntnu [dot] no. It can take a few days before you have complete access.
The textbook used in the course is J. Nocedal and S. Wright: Numerical Optimization, 2nd Edition. Springer, 2006, (Errata).
This book is available in electronic form at Springerlink.
- May 27 2017, 09:00-13:00.
- Permitted aids are given by code C:
- The textbook: Nocedal & Wright, Numerical Optimization including Errata (printed versions of the book are perfectly fine).
- Lecture notes:
- Rottmann, Matematisk formelsamling.
- The rules for modifying the textbook are:
- You are not allowed to write anything else than your name anywhere in the book
- You may mark pages with paper marks (lapper) without annotation or by dog-earings (eselører)
- You may mark text in the book by underlining/highlighting it (understreking/overstreking)