Pensum (Curriculum)
Final pensum in the course:
Lecture notes:
- Minimisers of Optimisation Problems, in particular the results concerning the existence of minimisers.
- Basic Properties of Convex Functions, in particular, the different characterisations of convexity.
All the exercises.
- This includes the brief introduction to duality of optimisation problems on exercise sheet 9.
The following chapters in Nocedal & Wright, Numerical Optimization, Second Edition, 2006 (most important points in boldface):
- Basics of optimization: Chap. 1, 2.
- Most important notions/results:
- Notions of (strict) global/local solutions of optimisation problems.
- First order necessary conditions.
- Second order sufficient and necessary conditions.
- Basic idea of trust region/line search.
- Line Search Methods: Chap. 3.1-3.3.
- Most important notions/results:
- Definitions of Wolfe conditions.
- "Well-posedness" of Wolfe conditions (Lemma 3.1).
- Zoutendijk's result (Theorem 3.2).
- Idea of backtracking line search.
- Linear convergence of the gradient descent method, importance of the condition of the Hessian.
- Quadratic convergence of Newton's method.
- Less important results:
- Superlinear convergence of Quasi-Newton methods
- Trust-Region Methods: Chap. 4.1-4.3.
- Most important notions/results:
- Basic trust-region algorithm (Algorithm 4.1).
- Characterisation of trust-region steps (Theorem 4.1).
- Cauchy point and dogleg method.
- Proof of Theorem 4.1.
- Less important results:
- All the details about the convergence results in Section 4.2.
- Details of the numerical solution of the trust-region subproblem in 4.3.
- Conjugate Gradient Methods: Chap. 5.
- Most important notions/results:
- Idea of linear CG, conjugacy.
- Theorems 5.1 and 5.2.
- Linear CG-algorithm (Algorithms 5.1 or 5.2) and Theorem 5.3.
- Convergence rate in (5.36) and comparison to (3.29).
- Fletcher-Reeves and Polak-Ribière method.
- Requirements for the line-search (Lemma 5.6), convergence results (Theorems 5.7 and 5.8).
- Less important results:
- Details of the convergence rates, in particular Theorems 5.4 and 5.5.
- Proofs of the convergence results.
- Please ignore:
- Everything concerning preconditioning.
- Quasi-Newton Methods: Chap. 6.1, 6.4.
- Most important notions/results:
- Idea of Quasi-Newton methods and definition of DFP/BFGS updates.
- Necessity of Wolfe conditions.
- Main convergence results (Theorems 6.5 and 6.6).
- Less important results:
- Proof of the convergence results.
- SR1 method.
- Least-Squares Problems: Chap. 10.1-10.3.
- Most important notions/results:
- Linear least squares and normal equations (10.14).
- Idea of the Gauss-Newton method and relation to trust-region methods (Levenberg-Marquardt method).
- Convergence of Gauss-Newton (Theorem 10.1).
- Less important results:
- Methods for the solution of linear least-squares problems (most of Section 10.2).
- Please ignore:
- Implementation details, convergence of Levenberg-Marquardt, methods for large residual problems.
- Proof of Theorem 10.1.
- Constrained Optimization: Chap. 12.1-12.5, 12.9.
- Most important notions/results:
- Notions of local and global solutions.
- Active set.
- Lagrangian of a constrained optimisation problem.
- Tangent cone and cone of linearised feasible directions.
- Linear independence constraint qualification (LICQ).
- KKT-conditions.
- Farkas' Lemma.
- Second order sufficient and necessary conditions.
- Dual of a constrained optimisation problem
- Weak duality
- Less important results:
- Nothing, really.
- Please ignore:
- Projected Hessians.
- Wolfe dual.
- Linear Programming: Chap. 13.1-13.2, 14.1.
- Most important notions/results:
- Standard form of linear programmes.
- Optimality conditions for linear programmes.
- Dual problems and strong duality (Theorem 13.1).
- Basic feasible points and solutions of linear programmes in standard form (Theorem 13.2).
- Idea of interior point methods.
- Primal-dual path-following and the central path.
- Long-step path-following (Algorithm 14.2).
- Convergence of Algorithm 14.2 (Theorem 14.4).
- Less important results:
- Details of the proofs in Section 13.2.
- All the details necessary for the derivation of Theorem 14.4.
- Please ignore:
- The simplex method.
- Quadratic Programming: Chap. 16.1, 16.4, 16.6, 16.7.
- Most important notions/results:
- KKT-conditions for quadratic programmes (equations (16.5) and (16.37)).
- Differences between linear programmes and quadratic programmes (in particular Figures 16.1, 16.2).
- Application of interior point methods to quadratic programmes.
- Gradient projection method.
- Less important results:
- Step length selection for interior point methods.
- Subspace minimization.
- Please ignore:
- Everything containing reduces Hessians.
- The practical primal-dual method.
- Penalty Methods: Chap. 17.1-17.3.
- Most important notions/results:
- Quadratic penalty method and Framework 17.1.
- Convergence of the quadratic penalty method (Theorem 17.1).
- Accuracy of the quadratic penalty method and asymptotic ill-conditioning (Theorem 17.2 and p. 505).
- Idea of non-smooth penalty functions.
- Augmented Lagrangian method (Framework 17.3).
- Exactness and convergence of the Augmented Lagrangian method (Theorems 17.5 and 17.6).
- Less important results:
- Well-conditioned reformulation of the quadratic penalty method (p. 506).
- All details in section 17.2.
- Details of the proofs concerning the Augmented Lagrangian method.
- Sequential Quadratic Programming: Chap. 18.1-18.3 (and 15.5).
- Most important notions/results:
- SQP for equality-constrained problems and Newton's method for the KKT-conditions.
- Construction of the SQP-method for inequality-constrained problems.
- Merit functions for enforcing convergence.
- Properties of the l1-merit function (mainly Theorem 18.2).
- Problems caused by the Maratos effect.
- Please ignore:
- Quasi-Newton methods for SQP.
- Reduced-Hessian Quasi-Newton methods.
- Interior-Point Methods for Nonlinear Programming: Chap. 19.1, 19.6.
- Most important notions/results:
- Logarithmic barrier problem (equation (19.4)).
- Please ignore:
- Everything else.
Note: Programming is not part of the exam; this part of the lecture has already been covered by the project.