TMA4180 Optimization I, Spring 2017

The course description can be found here.


20.06.2017 Here is the exam and a solution proposal. I sincerely apologise for the error in problem 5, which has been accounted for in the grading. Have a nice summer!
26.05.2017 Good luck at the exam!
25.05.2017 The results of the 2nd project can now be found on itslearning. If you don't find your candidate/student number there, please tell me as soon as possible.
12.05.2017 There will be a question session on Wednesday, May 24, 14:15-16:00, in lecture hall S4. Do bring questions!
24.04.2017 On itslearning, you can find a scan of the notes I have used in the lecture on Friday, April 21.
19.04.2017 On Wednesday, April 26, the exercise session will start already at 14. Also, there will be an additional exercise session on Friday, April 28, between 14-16 in Nullrommet.
03.04.2017 The question sessions for the project in this week will take place in Nullrommet (at the usual lecture time, that is, Tuesday and Friday 08:15-10:00).
31.03.2017 You will find a scan of the lecture notes I have used for today's lecture on itslearning.
27.03.2017 I have put a list with the results of the first project on itslearning. If you don't find your candidate/student number there, please tell me as soon as possible. Feel free to come to my office for some feedback of your project reports.
20.03.2017 The first version of the description of the second project is now online. The deadline is 07.05.2017. If you find errors in the project description or parts of it are unclear, please inform me as soon as possible.
15.02.2017 A schedule of additional help sessions for the project can be found here.
10.02.2017 The description of the first project is now online. The deadline is 26.02.2017. For more information, I refer to here.
10.02.2017 There will be a meeting of the reference group on Monday, February 13.
25.01.2017 There was an error in the hint in problem 7 of exercise set 2. It is now updated.
23.01.2017 Thank you for filling out the doodle poll concerning the rescheduling of the exercise classes. As a consequence, we have decided to shift them to Wednesday, 15:15-16:00 in Nullrommet (the student datalab, room 380A). Please see the course information page if you do not have access to this room.
11.01.2017 The first exercise sheet and a note on the existence of minimisers of optimisation problems are now online.
10.01.2017 The place of the lectures and exercises has changed. From now on, they will all take place in lecture hall S3.
10.01.2017 Please fill in this doodle poll as soon as possible (no later than January 16) so that we can find a better time for the exercise classes in this course.
09.01.2017 Welcome to the course TMA4180 Optimization I. The lecture will start on Tuesday, January 10.
2017-06-20, Markus Grasmair