Numerical investigations of dynamical processes at the ice-ocean interface of fjord- terminating calving glaciers
Abhay Prakash
We aim to simulate the ice-ocean interactions at calving glacier fronts over short (mul- tiyear), medium (centennial) and long (glacial) timescales, using the numerical tools ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) and Elmer/Ice (Ice-Sheet model). For long timescales, ISCAL (Ice Sheet model with Coupled Approximation Levels) will be used instead of Elmer/Ice. The ocean and ice-sheet code will be dynamically coupled us- ing FISOC (Framework for Ice Sheet Ocean Coupling). A plume-model, based on BPT (Buoyant Plume Theory) embedded in the ROMS code will use the computed ocean state variables at each time step to generate the melt rates for the Ice-Sheet model. A short timescale simulation will be performed and the results will be validated against obser- vations. The long timescale simulation will benefit (computationally) from a robust ice- ocean interaction parameterisation scheme derived from the shorter runs, wherein, we would quantify the sensitivity of the glacier(s) to submarine melting.