Evaluation of ocean surface currents derived from Sentinel-1A IW Doppler shift by comparison with HF-radar and ocean surface drifters observations
Artem Moiseev

Doppler frequency shift acquired by SAR can be used to retrieve ocean surface current velocity in look-on-side (range) direction (RVL). The Doppler shift observations from Sentinel-1 A/B IW mode available on regular basis (up to twice per day) for coastal areas. Therefore, SAR derived surface currents can be used for filling a white space in observations in areas discriminated by in-situ and land-based remote sensing measurements and eventually can be assimilated into ocean models. Careful validation of SAR RVL observations through systematical collocation with other remote sensing and in-situ datasets is required. This poster presents preliminary results of evaluation of the surface currents derived from Sentinel-1A IW VV with a comparison to High-Frequency (CODAR SeaSonde) radar and ocean surface drifters (iSLDMB) observations.

2018-11-05, jacopop