MA0301 Elementary discrete mathematics – Spring 2022
Exercises are to be handed in via ovsys and will be graded (godkjent / ikke godkjent). If you want feedback on each exercise, write "want comments"/"ønsker retting", otherwise your TA will only write "godkjent"/"ikke godkjent". The exercise sets are mandatory; you need to pass eight (8) out of a total of twelve (12) sets in order to take the exam. Of those 8 solution sets, 4 must be with respect to the exercise sets 1-6 and 4 must be with respect to the exercise sets 7-12. Note that to get an exercise set approved you are required to have solved correctly at least 70% (providing detailed arguments/computations) and made serious and substantial attempts at solving at least 90% of a given exercise set. Also, you are asked to pay attention to the quality of presentation, in particular, the correctness of mathematical notation and formalism.
The problems in the exercise sets shall provide a basic overview of the topics that were presented in the lectures.
Solutions will be made available online in due course.
Please contact Melvin or Kelsey if you have any question regarding the exercises.
Homework set | Exercises | Hand in at | Solutions | Comments |
01 | set-1.pdf | 24.01.2022 | ||
02 | set-2.pdf | 31.01.2022 | ||
03 | set-3.pdf | 07.02.2022 | ||
04 | set-4.pdf | 14.02.2022 | ||
05 | set-5.pdf | 21.02.2022 | ||
06 | set-6.pdf | 28.02.2022 | ||
07 | set-7.pdf | 07.03.2022 | ||
08 | set-8.pdf | 14.03.2022 | ||
09 | set-9.pdf | 21.03.2022 | ||
10 | set_10.pdf | 28.03.2022 | ||
11 | set_11.pdf | 04.04.2022 | ||
12 | set-12.pdf | 11.4.2022 |
If you would like more exercises and/or problems related to the material to work on, you can see the Grimaldi textbook that was used in previous years. In particular, several of its exercises have solutions in the back of the book and there are several copies available at the library. Additionally, the old exams also contain problems with solutions. Also, see the suggested exercises with solutions via the menu on the left.