MA0301 Elementary discrete mathematics – Spring 2022
Course information
Mads Hustad Sandøy
Email: mads [dot] sandoy [at] ntnu [dot] no
Office Hours: Mondays, 14:15 - 15:45
Teaching assistants
Kelsey Moran
Email: kelsey [dot] n [dot] moran [at] ntnu [dot] no
Melvin Vaupel
Email: melvin [dot] vaupel [at] ntnu [dot] no
Online teaching and consultant: According to the current rule, our lectures, exercise sessions and office hours will be given on campus, in room S3 in Sentralbygg 1. Note however that if you intend to physically attend one of the lectures, please sign up by going to Groups/Grupper in the links section on Blackboard. You can find recordings of the lectures on the course's Blackboard page, and lecture notes are available there as well.
Day | Time | Room | Exceptions |
Tuesday | 08:15-10:00 | S3 | |
Wednesday | 08:15-10:00 | S3 |
Exercise sessions
There will be weekly exercise sessions starting in week 3 (18-22 January). Note that during week 3, they are given digitally, via Collaborate on Blackboard. From week 4 on they on campus with the exception of the first exercise session on Fridays, which will continue being digital and is open to whomever prefers having an online option. For more information, see Exercises.
Group | Day | Time | Room |
1 | Tuesday | 12:15-14:00 | R73 |
2 | Wednesday | 12:15-14:00 | B1 |
3 | Thursday | 12:15-14:00 | R73 |
4 | Friday | 10:15-12:00 | Digital |
5 | Friday | 12:15-14:00 | H3 521 (Sprokkit) |
Groups are available here. You have priority to the group you are assigned to, but you can attend which and how many groups as you want. Deliver your homework sheet to the group you are assigned to, which you can do here. If you happen to be without an assigned group, please contact one of the teaching assistants. If you happen to have too few passed exercises at some point, try to find a solution with your assigned student assistant. If you do not find any solution, please contact one of the teaching assistants.
Harry Lewis, Rachel Zax
Essential Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Princeton University Press
ISBN-10: 0691179298 ISBN-13: 978-0691179292
(We will only use this Lewis-Zax book for this semester.)
Ralph P. Grimaldi
Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
5. edition
ISBN 0-321-21103-0
(We will try not to use this book for this time.)
See the lecture plan here.
See the official exam page for information.