TMA4300 Computer Intensive Statistical Methods spring 2022
- Lecturer: Sara Martino, John L. Paige
- Teaching assistants: Martin Outzen Berild
- Times and places for lectures and exercises: See Lecture plan.
Reference group
- 25.04.2022 The last lecture will be on Friday May 6th at 10.15 in room S1
- 25.04.2022 The groups presenting Exercise 3 are now available on Bb
- 31.03.2022 There will be no lecture tomorrow 01.04.22
- 21.03.2022 Here you find some info about the oral exam.
- 11.03.2022 We are starting to prepare for the oral exam, in this regard i would like all of you to answer to this form
This will help us with the organization.
- 11.03.2022 Here you can find a template in Latex and one in Rmarkdown that you can use to prepare your presentation.
- 11.03.2022 here you find some feedback from the students to the reference group.
- 08.02.2022 The minutes of the first reference group meeting are available here
- 28.01.2022 The first project is now available at the Exercise web page. Next week there is no lecture, in the lecture hours there will be instead exercise guidance. This will happen physically in the rooms that we are assigned.
- 28.01.2022 Next Thursday we will have our first reference group meeting. Please contact the reference group if you want to give feedback about the course.
- 27.01.2022 Tomorrow's lecture will be digital at the usual zoom link
- 25.01.2022 Today's lecture will be digital at the usual zoom link
- 18.01.2022 NTNU has now open for physical lectures, so from next week we will also switch to physical lecture. This means that the first physical lecture will be on Tuesday 25.01. Check the course information for the official timetable for the correct auditorium.
- 04.01.2022 Welcome to this home page of TMA4300 Computer Intensive methods. In this home page you will find information about the course content and information about the plan for the lectures and exercises for the first few weeks. Note the any plan may be changed, especially in the pandemic situation we are in now. The current lecture and exercise plan is based on the assumption that we are able to meet physically in the third and later weeks (i.e. from January 24).