Cont Exam and Solutions
Final Exam and Solutions
Information About Final Exam
Mock Exam
The solutions are now available (Updated December 15th).
The course will be based on Roger Antonsen’s textbook, Logiske metoder, Universitetsforlaget. A remark is in order, the lectures will discuss most of the content of this book in its entirety. Most importantly, additional results as well as more details, e.g., theorems with proofs, more advanced examples and programming problems, will be presented in the lectures and exercise sets. The content of the lectures together with all the weekly exercise sets are exam relevant. In addition, we encourage students to look into the comprehensive book by Harry Lewis and Rachel Zax, Essential Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science, Princeton University Press.
* 17-07-2022: The first lecture is on Monday, August 22, from 12:15-14:00, in lecture hall F1.
* 18-07-2022: The lecture on Monday, October 17, and Tuesday, October 18, will be online. More info will be announced.
* 19-08-2022: There are no TA sessions in week 34. These will start in week 35.
* 23-08-2022: The first exercise sheet is now available. The deadline is on Friday, September 2nd.
* 31-08-2022: The second exercise sheet is now available. The deadline is on Friday, September 9th.
* 06-09-2022: The third exercise sheet is now available. The deadline is on Friday, September 16th.
* 13-09-2022: The fourth exercise sheet is now available. The deadline is on Friday, September 23rd.
* 20-09-2022: The fifth exercise sheet is now available. The deadline is on Friday, September 30th.
* 02-10-2022: The lecture notes on " Number Theory and Cryptography" for weeks 39-40 is available.
* 05-10-2022: The sixth exercise sheet is now available. The deadline is on Friday, October 7th.
* 05-10-2022: The seventh exercise sheet is now available. The deadline is on Friday, October 14th.
* 11-10-2022: The eighth exercise sheet is now available. The deadline is on Friday, October 21st.
* 17-10-2022: Today's (17.10.) and tomorrow's (18.10.) lecture are online.
* 18-10-2022: The ninth exercise sheet is now available. The deadline is on Friday, October 28st.
* 25-10-2022: The tenth exercise sheet is now available. The deadline is on Friday, November 4th.
* 02-11-2022: The eleventh exercise sheet is now available. The deadline is on Friday, November 11th.
* 08-11-2022: The twelth exercise sheet is now available. The deadline is on Friday, November 18th.