MA8403 Topics in Algebraic Topology

Equivariant homotopy theory

This year MA8403 will be on equivariant homotopy theory.

NB: For some reason, it may be that you need to sign up with MA8406 instead of MA8403.

Date and Time

Lectures will be held Wednesdays 12:15 - 14:00 and Fridays 8:15 - 10:00 in MA23. If possible, lectures will be recorded and uploaded to Panopto.

Exam and grading

Since this is a PhD level course, the course will be pass/fail only. The deliverable (`exam') will be to give a talk of around 30 minutes on a recent(ish) paper in equivariant homotopy theory, or something related to the course. Depending on the number of students/length of the paper, it may be useful to do this in groups of 2 or 3. Here are some suggestions (if you have others, feel free to get in touch). Note that in most cases, there is a specific part of the paper that I have in mind - it's generally not expected that you read and understand the entire paper.

Lecture Plan

Here is a preliminary plan, which is likely to change.

Semester Week Topic Video Link Comments
1 Representation theory and the representation ring Panopto link for lecture 2 Worksheet 1
2 Mackey functors Panopto link for lecture 3 Panopto link for lecture 4 Worksheet 2
3 G-spaces and equivariant homotopy Panopto link for lecture 5
Panopto link for lecture 6
Worksheet 3
4 Elmendorf's theorem and Bredon cohomology Panopto link for lecture 7
Panopto link for lecture 8
Worksheet 4
5 No classes
6 Bredon cohomology continued Panopto link for lecture 9
Panopto link for lecture 10
Worksheet 5
7 From spaces to spectra Panopto link for lecture 11
Panopto link for lecture 12
Worksheet 6
8 From G-spaces to G-spectra Panopto link for lecture 13
Panopto link for lecture 14
Worksheet 7
9 G-spectra part 2 and Q+A Session Panopto link for lecture 15
Panopto link for lecture 16
Worksheet 8
10 Fixed point functors Panopto link for lecture 17
Panopto link for lecture 18
Worksheet 9
11 Equivariant K-theory, future directions

Textbook and References

I will continually be updated a set of lecture notes from the course. The PDF can be found here, while the GitHub repository is at

2023-10-27, Drew Kenneth Heard