MA3202 Galoisteori – våren 2017

NB! As I told you in class the best preparation for the upcoming exam is to look at the exams with solutions that I handed out. As for week 21,Petter Bergh is only available for questions on Tuesday May 23 and Wednesday May 24,while I will be available on Friday May 26(see below).

The first lecture is on Tuesday January 10, 2017. The first few weeks of the semester William ("Billy") T. Sanders (Room 834, SBII, william [dot] sanders [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no) will be the lecturer, before Christian Skau takes over.

Skau will start lecturing on Thursday February 9.

Skau (in Room 1046,SII) will be available for questions before the exam the whole week 20 (Monday May 15-Friday May 19;except May 17!)) from 13:00 to 15:00. On Friday May 26(the day before the exam) he will be available from 10:00 to 14:00. Because Skau is at CRM in Barcelona April 26-May 12 and at the Abel Prize festivities in Oslo May 22-25, you will either have to send me an e-mail,or consult Petter Bergh in Room 840,SII,if you have any questions during that timeframe.


Christian Skau
Rom 1046, Sentralbygg II.
Telefon 73 59 17 55.
E-post: christian [dot] skau [at] ntnu [dot] no


Tirsdag 12.15-14.00, Rom 656,Sentralbygg II
Torsdag 14.15-16.00, Rom 656,Sentralbygg II
Eksamen 27.05, 2017


P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain and S.R. Nagpaul
Basic Abstract Algebra
Cambridge University Press Second Edition ISBN: 0-521-46629-6


Kapitlene 11, 15, 16, 17, 18.


Øving 1

Tirsdag 24.01.2017

11.1: 1,2,3,8
11.3: 2

Øving 2

Tirsdag 7.02.2017

15.1: 2
15.2: 2,4
15.3: 2,6

Øving 3

Torsdag 2.03.2017

Eksamen 2.06.2014: Oppgavene 3,4,5,6

Øving 4

Torsdag 16.03.2017

Eksamen 2 juni 2014: Oppgavene 1,2
Konteeksamen 8 august 2013: Oppgave 2
Eksamen 16 mai 2013: Oppgave 5
Eksamen 19 mai 2012: Oppgave 5
Eksamen 27 mai 2011: Oppgave 2

Øving 5

Torsdag 20.04.2017

Konteeksamen 8 august 2013: Oppgavene 1,3,4,5
Eksamen 16 mai 2013: Oppgavene 1,2,3,4


2017-06-23, Per Kristian Hove