
MA8106 Harmonic Analysis Spring 2018

This week we meet on Monday February 26th 11:15-13:00 in Simastuen (6th floor SBII) to discuss problems for chapter 4. Then on Wednesday usual time continuing chapter 5, Thursday 10:15-12:00 in Simastuen and Friday usual time, we start chapter 7 on Thursday.

The first meeting will be on Friday, January 12th, 10:15 in KJL 21. Information about the course will be given and the schedule will be finalized. The suggested schedule is Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10.15-12.00.

The first lecture is planned for Friday, January 19th. Preliminary schedule can be also found below.

Check out this schools (if you are interested please register and send me an email):

Harmonic analysis in PCMI Summer School, deadline for application January 15th

Winter school in Geilo, Norway, March 4-10, deadline for application January 4th

Textbok and additional reading

Book: Camil Muscalu and Wilhelm Schlag, “Classical and Multilinear Harmonic Analysis", Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics Vol. 137, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013

The first volume starts with classical one-dimensional topics such as Fourier series, harmonic functions, and the Hilbert transform. Then the higher-dimensional Calderón–Zygmund and Littlewood–Paley theories are developed. Probabilistic methods and their applications are discussed, as well as applications of harmonic analysis to partial differential equations. The volume concludes with uncertainty principles (chapter 10), Fourier restrictions theorems (chapter 11) an introduction to Weyl calculus (chapter 12). We plan to cover some or all of these topics.

Auxiliary texts:

Teaching Hours

Lecturer : Eugenia Malinnikova

Syllabus and requirements for the examination

Contents of the lectures

Preliminary and ambitious plan, to be updated through out the semester

Week Lectures Chapters Problems Details
2 No lectures this week. Meeting Friday, 12.01 Read Chapter 1.1-1.3, notes 1P: 1,5,6,7,9,11,12 solution you should know all material in 1.1-1.3, see the note for some comments and details
3 Lecture 1, Friday 19.01 Chapter 1.4-1.6 notes L1: we covered 1.4.1 and 1.4.4-6.
4 Lectures 2-4, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 22-26.01 Chapter 2, 2.1-2.5 notes 2P: 5,6,7,9,10 L2: 2.1-2.3, L3: problems ch1 + Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem (1.6 + notes), L4: 2.4, 2.5 (without 2.5.5)
5 Lectures 5-7, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 29.01-02.02 Chapter 3, 3.1-3.6 3Ex: 3,4; 3P: 5,7,9,10 L5: 3.3,3.4, 3.5.1-2, 3.6; L6: problems ch2, L7:3.1-3.2
6 Lectures 8-10, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 5-9.02 Chapter 4, 4.1-4.3 4Ex: 4,5; 4P: 1,2,4,5,6,7 L8: 4.1.3, Nyquist density, 4.2.1 Shrodinger eq. L9: Ex ch 3, harmonic measure, problem 3.7, L10: 4.2 3,
7 No lectures this week Read Chapter 5.1-5.2.1
8 Lectures 11-13, Monday-Wednesday-Friday , 19-23.02 Chapter 5.2 5Ex: 2,3 5: 3,5,6,8 L11: 4.2 remarks, 4.3.2 L12: problems ch3, ex ch L13: 5.2
9 Lectures 14-17, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 26.02-2.03 Chapter 5.3, 7.1 L14: Problems ch 4, L15: 5.2-3, L16: 5.3, L17: 7.1
10 Lecture 18, Monday, 5.03 Chapter 7.2-7.3 7Ex: 1,4,6; 7P: 2 L18 7.2-7.3
11 Lecture 19, Read Chapter 6.1-6.2 L19: Problems ch 5
12 No lectures this week Read Chapter 6.3
13 Easter break
14 Lectures 20-21, Wednesday-Friday, 4-6.04 Chapter 7.4-7.6 7Ex: 8,9; 7P: 8,10L20: 7.4, L21:7.5-6
15 Lectures 22-24, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 9-13.04 Chapter 8.1-2, 8.4 8Ex: 1,6; 8P: 2,3,7 L22: 8.1-2, L23: Problems ch7, L24: 8.4
16 Lectures 25-27, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 16-20.04 Chapter 9-10 L25: 9.1, L26: 9.2, L27: 10.1-2
17 Lectures 28-29, Monday-Wednesday, 23-25.04 Chapter 10 L28: 10.3, L29: Problems ch7,8