
TMA4170 Fourier analysis 2023

Course Information

Reference group

Maximilian Rønseth:


The exam will be written. You are allowed to take 3 pages (total 6 sides) of handwritten notes with you to the exam. You are not allowed to take book or any printed material to the exam.


Fourier analysis appears in many fields of mathematics and has applications in physics and engineering. This course attempts to give the students an overview of Fourier analysis and its related mathematics, the idea and the math behind its real life applications. Due to its richness, it is not possible to cover the interests from different backgrounds. For this reason, there will be four projects for you to choose based on your background and interest. There will be four projects, two from pure math and two from applied, each student is required to choose two from the four projects. In the exam, there will be four questions that are directly related to corresponding projects and one should choose and only choose two to answer.

In our journey we are going to see Fourier series and its convergence problems and its relation to heat equation and Poisson equations, a detailed and rigorous examine of the Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform, convolution and central limit theorem, Fourier transform of distributions, sampling of music, the fast Fourier transform, higher dimensional case, image processing, etc. The students are expected to understand the idea of Fourier transform and its applications the right way, to know and to be able to explain the correct math behind its applications, in particular, to comfortably work on specific examples.

Some computer programming

Unlike previous years, this year I want to include also some computer things for you to better understand and visualize the math. These will not be required at all in exams.



The lecture notes will be provided in three formats. One is jupyter notebook, in which you can run and modify the sagemath code directly. You need to have jupyter notebook and sagemath installed to successfully open and run it. If you do not have sage and jupyter, the second file is export of jupyter containing all outputs of sage. Note that it comes from an automatic script via LaTex so may have some issue on the numbering. The third is pdf without code output. If a note has no code at all, only pdf will be provided.

All future lecture notes will be on curvenote.

Problem sets

Final Exam