06.06: The grading of the exam is finished. Including the results of the three exercises, the distribution of the grades became: A - 26.9%, B - 34.6%, C - 26.9%, D - 7.7%, E - 3.8% and F: 0%. The problem set for the exam and a corresponding sketch of solution are available in the table with
old exams
24.05: A solution sketch for todays exam will be put in the table with
old exams when the exam is finished for all students.
18.05: Your solutions for Exercise 3 will be corrected on Monday May 22nd. You can then get your solution with comments by contacting the teaching assistant in his office, see Contact in the menu to the left. If the teaching assistant is not in, you may also get your solution with comments from his office mate if he is present.
02.05: Exercise 2 has now been corrected. You can get your results and comments by contacting the teaching assistant in his office, see Contact in the menu to the left. If the teaching assistant is not in, you may also get your solution with comments from his office mate if he is present.
27.04: Some information concerning the exam:
The exam text will be in English. Your answers may be in English or Norwegian.
Permitted examination support material is:
Calculator HP30S, CITIZEN SR-270X, CITIZEN SR-270X College or Casio fx-82ES PLUS with empty memory.
Statistiske tabeller og formler, Akademika.
One yellow, stamped A5 sheet with your own handwritten formulas and notes.
You get the yellow, stamped A5 sheet from the lecturer or from the Department office in the 7th floor i Central Building 2.
There will be no organised question hours before the exam. If you have any questions, please first ask some of your follow students. If necessary, you can thereafter contact the lecturer or the teaching assistant. Please don't send questions in emails, but come to our offices. It is much easier to answer a question when we can talk together.
21.04: In addition to the presentations from Exercise 3 on Monday April 24th, one group will have presentations on Thursday April 27th at 12:15 in room 656 in Central Building 2. Please come also to this last presentation!
28.03: The text for exercise 3 is now available at the
exercise page.
20.03: Some interersting history facts of random numbers can be found
14.03: As many of you already have experienced, the probability you were asked to estimate i Problem B.2/B.3 was very close to zero or one. This question has therefore been changed. In stead of a probability \(p_b\) you are now asked to estimate another mean value \(\mu_b\), see the updated exercise text.
21.02: The text for exercise 2 is now available at the
exercise page.
01.02: Remember that the lectures in Part 2 starts on the coming Monday, February 6th.
16.01: Please send an email to the Teaching Assistant before January 19th with information about your exercise partner: Either specify who is your exercise partner or ask the Teaching Assistant to find you an exercise partner.
03.01: The first lecture is Monday January 9th at 12.15 in room F2. Welcome!