TMA4220 (TMA4505) Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations Using Element Methods - Autumn 2017
Date | Message |
13.12 | Correction to solutions - somehow in the original solutions I forgot that problem 2a was on a nonuniform grid, despite having purposely intended to test this! |
06.12 | Suggested solutions to the exam now available. Grades will be released next week. |
04.12 | Solutions to exercise 4 added. Some numbers are illegible due to a OneNote-induced ragequit, apologies! Note also a brief outline of the material to be considered pensum has been added to the lecture plan. |
01.12 | Solutions to exercise 3 added. Solutions to exercise 4 coming soon. |
28.11 | This week's exercise class is to take place on Thursday 30.11, 14.00-16.00 in room 822, Sentralbygg 2. The fourth exercise sheet is now released. Note that there will be no additional material permitted during the exam, only an approved calculator. I will upload the last year's exam in addition as soon as it is sent to me. |
16.11 | Note that the lecture tomorrow (Friday 17.11) is cancelled. Office hours on Friday are 0900-1000 and 1200-1300 this week. The project presentations will be during the lecture next Thursday 23.11 |
17.10 | The second part of the project is now available. This will be discussed during Thursday's lecture. Apologies for the delay, I have set back the submission deadline by a few days to compensate. |
16.10 | Exercise 3 now available |
16.10 | Due to a minor technical issue, the release of the second part of the project is postponed to tomorrow (Tuesday), I apologise for the inconvenience. In the meantime, I will shortly release a new exercise sheet covering material from the last few weeks' lectures. New sheets will continue to be released the next few weeks. |
11.10 | I have moved office! I am now to be found in 1350, Sentralbygg 2 |
7.10 | The following file was missing from the mesh files for the project - shell.m - apologies for any problems caused! |
2.10 | I have made a small correction to page 3 of lecture 5 - for all my warnings during the lecture I still managed to mix up the rows and columns of some matrices. The practical effect is summarized in page 2 of lecture 6 - some of you may need to take a transpose of the Jacobian of the transformation to the reference element. Apologies for this! |
18.09 | Solutions to exercise 2 online (apologies for the poor formatting, this will be fixed as soon as possible). The first part of the project will be released later today. As I am away this week, the exercise class and the lecture on Thursday are cancelled. Markus Grasmair will give the lecture on Friday, in the usual room. |
13.09 | Solutions to exercise 1 now available. |
10.09 | See the note about office hours. For those unavailable at these times, I can be contacted during the exercise classes, or at other times by agreement. |
10.09 | The second exercise sheet is now available. Solutions to the first will be available shortly |
4.09 | The first exercise sheet is now online |
28.08 | Note that as I will be away this week, Friday's lecture (01.09) is cancelled. The lecture on Thursday 31.08 will be given by Anne Kværnø, in the usual room. The first exercise sheet will be made available towards the end of the week. |
28.08 | I have added scans of my lecture notes from week 1, available from the Lecture plan. Note that these were not written with publication in mind, but as they may nonetheless be helpful they are now available. |
22.08 | First version of course website in place. More details to follow shortly. Lectures start on Thursday 24.08, note the room alteration for the first week. Exercise classes begin on Wednesday 06.09. |
General information
- Lecturer: Charles Curry
- Lectures:
- Thursdays, 14:15-16:00 in R92
- Fridays, 10:15-12:00 in R92 (except week 1, in K26)
- Exercises: Wednesdays, 12:15-14:00 in R60
- Office hours: My office is Room 1350, Sentralbygg 2. Suggested office hours are
- Mondays, 10:00-12:00 (from October)
- Fridays, 13:00-15:00
Course material
We will mostly follow the book Numerical Models for Differential Problems by Alfio Quarteroni (Second Edition, Springer, 2014). A free digital version of the book is available at Springer Link for those with a university IP (e.g., accessed from campus).
Exam and grading
TMA4220 (Written exam)
- Written exam, December 5th 09:00, counts for 65% of final grade
- Programming project, counts for 35% of final grade
Permitted aid items (code C):
- Calculator HP30S, CITIZEN SR-270X, CITIZEN SR-270X College, Casio fx-82ES PLUS with empty memory.