05.12: The grades (in points out of 35) of the projects are now available at It's learning. Please tell me immediately if there are some mistakes. (Those of you that did take the course as an emnemodul are not on the list.)
05.12: Meeting time before the exam (subject to change):
Monday: 13-16, Tuesday 14-16, Wednesday 14-16, Thursday 9-11.
I hope all problems are resolved before Friday!
30.11: There are now one more exam set available, with solutions, available at the Old exams page. And the solution to the exam 2002.
24.11: Order of presentation has been published at the programming project page
23.11: On Thursday 24.11, we will look at some old exam, starting with the one from 2010.
21.11: In the written report, set up the name of the group members, not the student or candidate number.
03.11: The deadline for the written report is moved to Tuesday November 22.
03.11: The lecture tomorrow (Friday) is moved to Monday 14:15-16:00, in F2. The exercise on Monday is moved to tomorrow.
20.10: The
Programming project page is updated from time to time, so be sure to keep an eye on that
19.10: Lecture hours this week will be swapped with programming project assisting class in "Nullrommet". Both thursday and friday (10:15-12:00)
17.10: First programming project assisting class will be today (Monday) in "Nullrommet" from 14:15-16:00
30.09: For those of you who want to take the course as an "emnemodul": That is OK, an oral exam will be organized for you, but please me send an email (with "TMA4220 Emnemodul" in the subject header) about it. NB! You will still have to do the project!!
30.09: There will be no exercise session in F2 on Monday October 3, but I will be available for questions in my office.
19.09: There will be a lecture today, 14:15-16:00 in F2.
16.09: I have to cancel todays lecture, but hope to be able to give it on Monday 19, 14:15-16:00 in F2. I apologize for the inconvenience.
15.09: The lecture on September 23 will be moved to Monday 26, 14:15-16:00, in F2.
15.09: The mandatory project will be presented Friday October 7. There will be no lectures the following two weeks (October 10-21). Deadline: November 18.
29.08: There will be no exercise session today. If have questions about the Exercise 1, please make an appointment for Wednesday (or just come to my office at 1348, SBII).
27.07: Welcome to this course on the numerical solution of differential equations by the finite element method. The first lecture will be Thursday August 25. More information about the schedule, textbook, etc. can be found under "General Information" in the menu to the left.