TMA4215 Numerisk Matematikk
TMA4215 Numerical Mathematics
Date | Message |
02.12 | The solution of the final exam can now be found on it's learning. |
24.11 | Complete set of notes form the course. This and only this set of lecture notes is allowed at the exam. Print this out. |
24.11 | Allowed material at the exam. Hjelpemidler C. At the exam you will be allowed to use the textbook and the pdf-notes of the course. The book can not be filled with handwritten text, underlining and single-sentence annotations are allowed. Only the printed version of the final pdf-file of the notes (39 pages), with appropriate page numbering, is allowed at the exam. No exercises or old exams with solutions are allowed at the exam. The Rottmann formula collection is not allowed. We will ask the exam-supervisors to check the material you bring with you at the exam and if it does not comply to the rules you will not be allowed to use it. |
12.11 | Part 1 of project 2 is to be delivered in Håkon's mail shelf in the 7th floor of Central Building 2. When you exit the lift, turn left to find the mail shelves. |
11.11 | Tomorrow 12.11.2010 there will be no regular lecture in numerical analysis. The usual lecture will be replaced by a supervision section in nullrommet, from 10 to 12. I see you there. |
01.11 | The suggested bound in exercise 3, b) in the project is too optimistic. Try instead to prove that the error is bounded by <jsm>C\,h </jsm>, where the constant <jsm>C</jsm> can depend on the max norm of <jsm>f'</jsm> and <jsm>f''</jsm>, on the amplitude of the interval of interpolation <jsm>b-a</jsm>, but not on <jsm>n</jsm> (the number of intervals of the interpolation). You also are allowed to assume enough regularity for <jsm>f</jsm> on <jsm>[a,b]</jsm>. |
24.10 | The semester project 2 is now published on the exercise pages. The deadline is the 15th of November. The amount of work corresponds to about three regular exercise sets, so my advice is to start working soon on the project and not wait to do everything in the last week. |
22.10 | The results of project 1 have been posted on it's learning. |
20.10 | You will find the report form the meeting with the reference group on it's learning. |
20.10 | On Friday 22nd we will post the next project. The deadline for submitting project 2 is the 15th of November. |
20.10 | I finished the correction of the semester-project 1: everybody has scored between 10 and 15 points (where 15 is the maximum). Some projects are very nice. Each group will soon get an e-mail about their score. For more details contact me via e-mail. |
18.10 | Exercise 5, task 4 contained some errors. These have now been fixed. |
07.10 | One of your fellow students pointed out that you can prove <jsm>(n-j)!\,(j+1)! \leq n!</jsm> by induction. Thanks for the tip. Try it, it works! |
30.09 | See the semester project page for important information about handing the first project in. There will be no lecture at 01.10. Instead, there will be an extra session at computer lab Nullrommet for project work. |
17.09 | The first semester project has been posted on the exercise page. Deadline is at 03.10. |
13.09 | The Thursday exercise sessions are too crowded, while almost none show up at the Monday sessions. Students attending the Thursday sessions should consider switching to Monday. |
09.09 | We need volunteers for the reference group. Three persons, and one of them should be an international student. Please contact me in the break of the lectures. |
01.09 | Those of you who signed up for computer access at the department office yesterday or today before 11:30 must sign up again. Somehow, the list has gone missing. Those of you that signed up after 11:30 today need not do anything. Sorry for the inconvenience. |
31.08 | If you don't have access to computer lab Nullrommet and/or don't have an account at the mathematics computer system, you must sign up for access and an account at the department office (7th floor, Central building 2). Tell them that you are taking course TMA4215. You must have done this by Friday 03.09, 14:00. |
30.08 | Exercise 0 has been posted. There will be no exercise session for this one. |
26.08 | MATLAB is available at most computer labs on campus, but can also be installed on your personal computer. See for installation instructions (only available in Norwegian). If you need extra help, contact the IT Helpdesk. See |
Description of the course
In the following link you can find detailed information about the course, the main topics presented and the learning outcome.
Elena Celledoni, room 1346.
Exercise and project lecturer
Håkon Marthinsen. E-mail: Hakon.Marthinsen(at) - make sure to replace (at) with @ before sending.
Student assistant
Eirik Hoel Høiseth. E-mail: eirikhoe(at) - make sure to replace (at) with @ before sending.
- Thursdays 14:15–16, S1
- Fridays 10:15–12, KJL1
See also class schedule.
- Are not to be handed in.
- Mondays 14:15–15.
- Thursdays 13:15–14.
- Choose one of the two exercise sessions.
- Both sessions are at computer lab Nullrommet (380A).
See also the exercise page.
Semester project
The semester project counts for 30 % of the final mark.
Reference group
Emily Siggerud emily.siggerud <at>
An Mai Nguyen ngocanma <at>
Text book and other teaching material
- Kincaid & Cheney, Numerical Analysis, Mathematics of Scientific Computing, 3rd ed., AMS.
- Exercises and solutions are part of the curriculum.
- 01.12.2010 (4 hours).
- Hjelpemiddelkode C (Permitted aids, code C)
Here are MATLAB files from the course and other MATLAB examples.
Vurderingsform og fastsettelse av karakter i kurset
- Semesteroppgaven teller 30 prosent av sluttkarakteren. Avsluttende eksamen teller 70 prosent av sluttkarakteren.
- Det er ikke obligatorisk å levere inn semesteroppgaven. Om man ikke leverer inn noen slik oppgave har man likevel adgang til eksamen. Men merk at da blir maksimalt oppnåelig resultat 70/100, dvs bokstavkarakter C.
- Man krediteres kun for semesteroppgave gjort i inneværende semester. Man får ingen kreditt for semesteroppgave innlevert i tidligere år kurset har gått.
- Totalkarakteren er den eneste offisielle karakteren i kurset. Det som legges ut av delkarakterer på disse hjemmesidene er uoffisielt, og kan vel egentlig ikke refereres til ved en eventuell klage.
Evaluation system and marking in this course
- The project counts for 30 % of the final mark. The final exam counts for 70 %.
- It is not compulsory to hand in the project in order to be admitted to the final exam. But note that in such case you will be able to get a final result of 70/100 maximum, that is at most the mark C.
- You get credit only for project work made during this semester.
- The total mark is the only official mark for the course. The marking of the project which will be published on these webpages is nonoffcial, and can not be referred to during a complaint.