Øvinger (Exercises)
Week 3
B. Dundas,
Kap.10: 6.5, 6.6, 7.5. Bevis teorem 10.7.6. Kap.3 : 2.7, 2.10 (les først §§3.1 - 3.2)
Week 4
1. Make sure you can do (and understand) Ex.3.2.7 and Ex.3.2.10, which were given for Week 3.
2. Ex. 3.4.12, 3.4.13, 3.5.11, 3.5.14, 3.6.10
Week 5 and 6
Try some exercises from the ExtraSet1.
Week 7
Choose some exercise from Dundas, Chap. 6, and try to understand it.
Extra Exercises
- Extra Set1extraset1.pdf, Solutions extraset1_lf.pdf
Løsningsforslag/diskusjon (some solutions)
- Dundas 3.4.12 dund3x4x12.pdf