MA3202 Galois theory - Spring 2024
Class points: 38 out of 50.
- An evaluation survey has been uploaded.
- Exam solutions have been uploaded.
- The Grading document which describes how the grading was done has been uploaded.
Thursday 08:15-10:00 Fiberbygget (tidl. PFI) 5001 Friday 14:15-16:00 Gamle fysikk F3
Laertis Vaso
Office: room 802, Sentralbygg 2
Email: laertis (dot) vaso (at) ntnu (dot) no
Reference group
The reference group is
- Isak Drage (
- Johan Hjelseth Storstad (
- Simon Kauppinen (
If you have any comments, concerns or feedback to the course please share them with me or the reference group.
- First reference group meeting: Wednesday 31/01. Comments: There has been a suggestion to give some time to students to work on problems in class, which we will try. The pace of the lectures seems good. The students suggested to include some sketch/idea of the proof before giving the details in some of the more complicated proofs of the course.
- Second reference group meeting: Friday 12/04. Comments: Not a lot of feedback has been given to the students. Although it might be difficult, we will see if we can find a way to avoid teaching activities during the last week to give students time to prepare for their exams.
- Third reference group meeting: Tuesday 11/06. Comments: The exam might have been a bit too long.