
Date Themes Reference
Log of what we have covered
20.08 (Tuesday) Introduction, definitions, various examples of rings (polynomial rings, ring of group endomorphisms, Boolean rings), and basic properties of rings. Chap 9.1, 9.2, 9.3
21.08 (Wednesday) Subrings, characteristic of a ring, idempotent and nilpotent elements, (left, right, and 2-sided) ideals, homomorphisms, intersections of ideals Chap 9.4, 9.5, 10.1
27.08 (Tuesday) Present problem set 1 during first half of class. Fundamental theorem of ring homomorphisms, ideal correspondence theorem, sum and direct sum of ideals Chap 10.2, 10.3
28.08 (Wednesday) Maximal and prime ideals, nilpotent and nil ideals. Chap 10.4, 10.5
03.09 (Tuesday)Present problem set 2 during first half of class. Zorn's lemma and existence of maximal ideals. Unique factorization domains. Chap 10.6, 11.1
04.09 (Wednesday) Unique factorization domains, principal ideal domains, and Euclidean domains11.2, 11.3
10.09 (Tuesday) Problem set 3 during first half. Start modules and vector spaces.Chap 14.1
11.09 (Wednesday) Submodules, direct sums of submodules, R-homomorphisms and quotient modulesChap 14.2, 14.3
17.09 (Tuesday)Present problem set 4 in class.Chap 14.1-14.3
18.09 (Wednesday)Simple (or irreducible) modules, semisimple (or completely reducible) modules, free modules Chap 14.4, 14.5
24.09 (Tuesday) Q is not a free Z-module example, More about free modules, Additional examples from chapter 14 14.1-14.5
25.09 (Wednesday) Start noetherian and artinian modules Chap 19.1, 19.2
01.10 (Tuesday) Present problem set 5 in class. Noetherian and artinian modules, continued.19.2
02.10 (Wednesday)Noetherian and artinian modules, continued. 19.2
08.10 (Tuesday) Discuss nil and nilpotent ideals in relation to noetherian/artinian properties, discuss ring/module structure Chap 19.2
09.10 (Wednesday) Proof of Hilbert Basis Theorem 19.2
15.10 (Tuesday) Present problem sets 6 and 7 in class. 19.1-19.2
16.10 (Wednesday) Start proving the Wedderburn-Artin Theorem. 19.3
22.10 (Tuesday) Finish proving the Wedderburn-Artin Theorem. Start studying finitely generated modules over / Dummit&Foote ch.12
23.10 (Wednesday)Submodules of free modules over PIDs ch.20-21 / Dummit&Foote ch.12
29.10 (Tuesday) Decomposition of finitely generated modules over PIDs, invariant factor form, elementary divisor formch.20-21 / Dummit&Foote ch.12
30.10 (Wednesday)Primary decomposition theorem, Decomposition of finitely generated modules over PIDs: uniquenessch.20-21 / Dummit&Foote ch.12
05.11 (Tuesday)Discuss problem set 8 in class. Begin Smith normal form, Rational canonical formch.20-21 / Dummit&Foote ch.12
06.11 (Wednesday)Rational canonical formch.20-21 / Dummit&Foote ch.12
12.11 (Tuesday)Jordan canonical formch.20-21 / Dummit&Foote ch.12
13.11 (Wednesday)Jordan canonical formch.20-21 / Dummit&Foote ch.12
Future plans
19.11 (Tuesday)Review course material and what will be covered on the final exam. Go over solutions to questions from PID problem sheet.
20.11 (Wednesday)Additional review problems, go over questions from following old exams: 2012(#1,24), 2014(all), 2015(#1,3), 2018(all)
26.11 (Tuesday)EXAM from 15:00-19:00
2020-08-11, Sverre Olaf Smalø