Flash Talks in Representation Theory V

January 10, 2025

Flash Talks in Representation Theory V is an online one-day conference hosted by NTNU. We present an overview of recent advances in representation theory through a series of 10-minute flash talks.



Contact: flashtalksrepthy [at] gmail [dot] com

Technical support: Jacob F. Grevstad (NTNU)


There will be socialization in breakout rooms during the breaks.

There will be a pub quiz in the evening, organized by Erlend D. Børve (Graz) and Endre S. Rundsveen (NTNU). To participate in the pub quiz:

  • Assemble a team of 1–6 quizzers (or don't; spontaneous team formation is also acceptable). Larger teams are allowed, but will lose points for their size.
    • Appoint a team captain.
  • Join us on Zoom 18:00 CET (UTC+1) (use the same link as the conference). We expect to finish by 20:00 CET.
2025-01-08, Johanne Haugland