Flash Talks in Representation Theory IV

January 5, 2024

Flash Talks in Representation Theory IV is an online one-day conference hosted by NTNU. We present an overview of recent advances in representation theory through a series of 10-minute flash talks.

The Old Chemistry Building at NTNU. Photo: Per Henning/NTNU


Recordings of the talks have been released! Our YouTube channel contains flash talks from this and previous years, and we think you should subscribe.

You can also find the abstracts on the program page.



Contact: flashtalksrepthy [at] gmail [dot] com

Technical support: Jacob F. Grevstad (NTNU)


There will be socialization in breakout rooms during the breaks.

There will be a pub quiz in the evening, organized by Erlend D. Børve (Grenoble) and Endre S. Rundsveen (NTNU). To participate in the pub quiz:

  • Assemble a team of 1–6 quizzers (or don't; spontaneous team formation is also acceptable). Larger teams are allowed, but will lose points for their size.
    • Appoint a team captain.
  • Join us on Zoom 18:00 CET (UTC+1) (use the same link as the conference). We expect to finish by 20:00 CET.
2024-12-16, Johanne Haugland