
TMA4305 Partial Differential Equations 2018


Syllabus / reading list (pensumliste)

From Borthwick's book (see further below for bibliographic detail) – but note that the introductory sections on model problems for the various equations are for information only; you are not expected to have detailed knowledge of these models or how they are derived.

This is the final syllabus.

And these notes (which may be updated and/or supplemented with more notes):

Note that there is quite a bit of overlap between the notes and the textbook.

General information

General course information / Generell kursinformasjon (course description, schedule, exam)

The lecturer for this term is Harald Hanche-Olsen.

The course will be taught in English, assuming at least one student requires it (which is quite likely). I will try to provide some guidance to proper Norwegian mathematics terminology, however, since there seems to be a lot of confusion about it. My current pet peeve: The Norwegian for bounded is begrenset, not “bundet”. And a set is called en mengde in Norwegian, not “et sett”. Enough for now.

The textbook is David Borthwick: Introduction to partial differential equations.

I will supplement this book with a few notes and material from other sources.

Some other good PDE books include:

I may use Blackboard for announcements, especially in case of cancelled lectures (heaven forbid!) or other information that does not need to be visible to the entire world.


The first lecture is on Tuesday, 21 August.

The first exercise session is on Friday, 31 August (i.e., the second week of the term).

<schedule> <daytitles>Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday</daytitles> <timeslots>09:15–10:00|10:15–12:00|12:15–14:00</timeslots> <entry day:Tu start:2 color:innsida1>Lecture
R73</entry> <entry day:Th start:1 color:innsida1>Lecture
K26</entry> <entry day:Fr start:0 color:innsida2>Exercices
R60</entry> </schedule>

The rooms, in Mazemap: R73 · K26 · R60