TMA4295 Statistical Inference - Autumn 2023

Exam with solution sketch and grading guidelines.


A: xxxx

B: xxxxx

C: xxxxx

D: x

E: xxx

F: xxxxxxx

The exam is on Tuesday 28th November. There is a meeting time on Monday 27th November from 10:15-12 and 14:15-16 in room 1138. Welcome!

Best wishes for the exam preparation and the exam itself.

I hope you have enjoyed the topics as much as I. It is a beautiful science with important impacts.

Thank you for a good semester!

Gunnar Taraldsen

About the course: GUM SI


  • October 23th: The announced lecture on Tuesday 24/10 is cancelled. Next lecture is on Wednesday as usual.
  • October 13th: There will be an extra lecture on Tuesday 17/10 from 1115-12 in R4 to compensate for no lecture on Monday in week 43. There will also be an additional office hour on Thursday 19/10 from 1515-16 at 1001, to compensate for less exercise hours in week 42.
  • October 11th: The lecture on Monday 23/10 is moved to Tuesday 24/10, and the exercise on Tuesday is moved to Monday: The lecture and exercise times are swapped between Monday and Tuesday in Week 43.
  • July 19th, 2023: We start week 34 with lectures on Monday and Wednesday. Help with weekly exercises is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 11:15-12:00. This includes also week 34. Weekly office hour for questions and help is on Wednesdays 13:15-14:00 in room 1138 in Sentralbygg 2, but not in week 34.
2024-02-14, Gunnar Taraldsen