TMA 4115 Parallel MBIOT5, MTKJ, MTNANO

This page contains information on the parallel TMA 4115 MBIOT5, MTKJ, MTNANO. For general information applying to all parallels of TMA 4115 see the main page.


08.01 The formula for the nth root of a complex number given in the lecture contained an error!
You can find the correct formula in the slides for 14.01.
27.02 The formula for the adjugate matrix was slightly wrong. The correct formula of the adjugate is
given by the transpose of the matrix defined as the adjugate in the lecture, cf. slides 26.02

Schedule of the lectures:

Tuesday 10.15 - 12 Wednesday 14.15 - 16, both lectures in H3

Material and further Information

Slides (Used in the lecture):

In the first chapter of the lecture we discuss complex numbers. If you have an iPad there is an App which lets you explore complex numbers. The App is called "Simply complex" (by Andrew Stacey) and is available for free in the App Store (see also the main page of this course).


The reference group for this parallel consists of:

  • Ane Garborg Zakariassen (MTKJ) anegz æt stud dåt ntnu døt com
  • Marius Granli (MTKJ) mariusmg åt stud døt ntnu dåt no
  • Simen L. Tronsaune (MTKJ) Simenltr æt stud dåt ntnu døt no
  • Anders Strømberg (MTNANO) anders døt stromberg93 åt gmail dæt com
2014-04-08, Alexander Schmeding