
TA hours (Location: Central Building II, room 1246):
- Fridays from 12:15 to 13:00
- Tuesday from 09:15 to 10:00 (Only during assignment weeks, see Plan)

You can now download the solutions of both Groups to assignment 2:
- Solution Group 1
- Solution Group 2

Help on exercise 2 of Assignment 4

Some of you are facing difficulties when using the vglm function in exercise 2 of assignment 4, this is mainly because you need to format your data frame before using it. To help you with that, I have formatted the data frame, it is on the file "response" in the table below. Instructions on how to use the vglm function with this data frame can be found in the file "Tip for Assign 4". If you need extra help on this, let me know.

2012-08-20, Ingelin Steinsland