TMA 4300 Computer Intensive Statistical Methods
- The exercises have to be done using the statistical package R. See here.
- The exercises have to be done individually or in groups of two persons.
- The solution to the exercises can be in Norwegian or English.
- It is obligatory to do the exercises and the oral presentations. All exercises must be found acceptable to be admitted to the exam.
- The exercises count for 30% of the final grade in the course. In evaluation of the exercises the following aspects will be considered: correctness, clearity of presentation, discussion of results.
- The exercise classes will take place in the computer lab "Nullrommet 380A" during the assigned lecture hours. The teaching assistent and/or the lecturer will then be there to answer any questions you may have. If you have questions outside the exercise classes please contact preferably Geir-Arne geir [dash] arne [dot] fuglstad [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no.
Exercise | Text | Files | Deadline |
1 | Exercise 1 | 04.03.2014 | |
2 | Exercise 2 | additional files | 01.04.2014 |
3 | Exercise 3 | additional files | 28.04.2014 |
Time plan: Oral presentations
Here you find an updated schedule for the oral presentations.
Please follow these guidelines regarding programming style, and preparing the oral presentation and exercise report.
Exercises are to be handed in to Geir-Arne Fuglstad geir [dash] arne [dot] fuglstad [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no. Please use your names for the submission.