The lecture on Monday 24.1.22, 14:15-16:00 is physical in lecture hall S3. The recording for those first two hours of the module were recorded last year can be found here (note the minor changes, and of course any adminitrative hints are not valid anymore).

The lecture on Thursday 27.1.22, 08:15-10:00 is digital and will be recorded.

Lecture notes:


Recorded lecture 27.1.22
End of lecture (12 extra minutes about leverage plot, H matrix and distribution of residuals)

Annotaded slides

The online videos:

Online lectures by Hastie and Tibshirani, Chapter 3 (all parts, including the R lab)

Recommended exercises:

The exercise sessions will be on campus (F2, gamle Fysik) on Monday 8:15-10:00, and online on Wednesday 14:15-16:00.

During exercise hours on Wednesday, Daesoo is available in a Whereby room:


You can click on the link, allow camera/microphone access, and then you have to "knock". The TAs will let you in as soon as they are free, but be aware that it might take some time.

2022-01-27, Stefanie Muff