TMA4267 Linear Statistical Models

Statistical Software: R

R is available for free download at The Comprehensive R Archive Network (Windows, Linux and Mac).

I would also recommend that you install Rstudio which is an integrated development environment (system where you have you script, your run-window, overview of objects and a plotting window). I'll demonstrate at the lectures.

An introduction to R and Rstudio will be given in the second week of the semester, in the time reserved for exercise supervision (TBA). You must then bring your laptop with R and Rstudio installed.

A nice introduction to R is the book P. Dalgaard: Introductory statistics with R, 2nd edition, Springer which is also available freely to NTNU students as an ebook Introductory Statistics with R. and several manuals can be found at CRAN.

If you are unfamiliar with R, it is suggested that you go through the interactive session in Appendix A in the manual “An Introduction to R”, which comes with the software.

If you know matlab, you may find this presentation useful:

At youtube there are several videos that introduces R and specific topics.

2016-01-10, Mette Langaas