TMA4220 (TMA4505) Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations Using Element Methods - Autumn 2016
Date | Message |
14.12 | Details regarding the oral exam have been published. Take note of your presentation time. |
05.12 | Solution Set 5 available |
23.11 | Problem Set 5 available |
21.11 | Solution Set 4 and Old Exams available |
18.11 | The source code from the last two lectures is available as |
17.11 | Problem Set 4 available |
16.11 | Solution Set 3 available |
10.11 | Problem Set 3 available |
07.11 | Deadline for the written reports of the project moved to Monday 14.11 |
07.11 | Project presentation will take place this Thursday (November 10th) at our lecture room. Presentation order is available on the project site. 5 minutes for each group. |
13.10 | Office hours (Kjetil) this week will be moved from Friday to Thursday 13:15-15:00 |
10.10 | Programming project part 2 published |
04.10 | Solution to problem set 2 available |
27.09 | Please note that some files for the programming project is being updated as small errors appear. Be sure you have the last available version when doing the project ( and Problem_Set1.pdf have both been updated) |
19.09 | You can find the programming project here. Note that this is mandatory and counts 35% toward your final grade |
19.09 | There will be no lecture this Thursday (22.09). Use the extra time to start working on the programming project |
12.09 | Solution to problem set 1 published. Problem set 2 available |
08.09 | It is not just me who does this ;) - meeting with the reference group went well |
30.08 | First problem set published |
29.08 | Lecture plan have been updated. "Reading" is considered to be curriculum while "Additional reading" is suggestions for additional information, or if you find the primary sources difficult to understand; same topics, different point-of-view. |
General information
- Lecturer: Kjetil Andre Johannessen
- Teaching assistant: Abdullah Abdulhaque
- Office hours:
- Wednesday, 12:00-14:00 Abdullah, room 1356 in SB2
- Friday, 10:00-12:00 Kjetil, room 1304 in SB2
- Lectures:
- Exercises: Mondays, 15:15-17:00 in Banachrommet (Computer Lab)
Course material
We will mostly follow the book Numerical Models for Differential Problems by Alfio Quarteroni (Second Edition, Springer, 2014). A free digital version of the book is available at Springer Link for those with a university IP (e.g., accessed from campus).
Exam and grading
TMA4220 (Written exam)
- Written exam, December 21st 09:00, counts for 65% of final grade
- Programming project, counts for 35% of final grade
Permitted aid items (code C):
- Calculator HP30S, CITIZEN SR-270X, CITIZEN SR-270X College, Casio fx-82ES PLUS with empty memory.
- K. Rottman: Matematisk formelsamling.
- One yellow, stamped A4 sheet with own handwritten formulas and notes. You get this sheet from the department office of the department of Mathematical Sciences in the 7th floor in Central Building 2.
TMA4505 (Oral exam)
- Oral exam, December 19th 09:00, counts for 65% of final grade
- Programming project, counts for 35% of final grade
- Handed problem set, 15 minutes preparations (alone) followed by 30 minutes presentation (two examinators)
Permitted aid items (code A):
- For the 15 minute preperation time:
- All printed and hand-written support material is allowed. All calculators are allowed
- For the presentation:
- One A4 page of hand-written notes
Order of presentations
- 09:00: Espen Høegh Sørum
- 09:45: Geir Amund Svan Hasle
- 10:30: Olav Ersland