17.09: The webpage is online
30.09: Exercises 1-3 announced on the web-page
14.10: Solution to Excercises 1-3 available on the web-page
14.10: Exercises 4-5 announced on the web-page
14:10: Lecture plan updated!
14.10: The programming project will be announced on Friday 18th of October 2013 at 11:15-12:00 in F2.
18.10: Next weeks lectures (Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th) will be swapped for exercise hours at Nullrommet
21.10: The lecture notes LN-1, LN-2, LN-3 and LN-4 is available online (see the Reading coloumn at the Lectures page)
22.10: Problem set part II published
28.10: Lectures about linear elasticity Tuesday 29th and Wedensday 30th of October
01.11: Programming project extended with new geometry. Note that exercise hours are fridays from 10:15-12:00, not 11:15-12:00 as other webpages list it
05.11: Trond is sick, so there will be no lecture today. Make use of the extra time to work on your programming projects
05.11: The lecture hours tomorrow (Wednesday 6th) will be swapped with helping hours for the programming project at Nullrommet 08:15-10:00
11.11: Be sure to check back in on the programming project page from time to time. 6 new geometries have been added since the project start.
21.11: Note that the presentation on Friday will take place in R9, not 1329
26.11: The notes ER-1 - ER-3 and solution to exercises 4 and 5 are uploaded
The Curriculum is updated, and permitted aids are specified (see Exam under General information)
04.12: Time for question (Spørretime) before exam: Tuesday 10th of December, 10:15-11:00 at Room 1329 SBII
10.12: Notice: It will not be allowed to bring copy of pages from of the permitted books - only the books themselves are allowed!!
11.12: NEW MESSAGE: You are allowed to bring printed versions of the books to the exam. Everyone will be given copies of the relevant pages (i.e. according to curriculum) from "The Mathematical Theory of the finite element methods". Students will be required to bring a copy of the other book themselves.