TMA4215 Numerical mathematics, Autumn 2015
Date | Message |
14.12 | The final exam and suggested solution. |
07.12 | The solution for last year's exam is now available. |
02.12 | Evaluation of Project 2 is now ready. |
01.12 | Permitted written aids on the exam: E. Süli and D. Mayers, An introduction to Numerical Analysis, Cambridge University Press (2003), and Collection of Lecture Notes. Print-outs and highlighting is allowed, but no writing. |
27.11 | Question hour ("Spørretime") before the exam: Wednesday 02.12 at 14:15-15:00 in room 1329 on the 13th floor of Sentralbygg 2. |
11.11 | The last exercise set for this class is now posted. It covers material on ODE's. I guess most of you are busy with the project right now, but this is valuable training for the exam, so you should have a look at it before that time. The exercise set will be supervised Thursday November 19th in the regular exercise class. |
30.10 | The next two weeks (45 and 46) are dedicated to project work. This means no lectures, but instead supervision of project 2 in the usual lecture hours. The exercise sessions in these weeks will also be dedicated to the project. All supervision will take part in Nullrommet. |
27.10 | The second semester project is now available under Semester projects. Please read all instructions carefully. |
19.10 | No exercise session on Thursday. I have posted Exercise set 7 together with solutions so that you can do these on our own. If you have further questions, I will answer these next week. Regarding project 2, this will be given next week. The topics will be numerical quadrature and interpolation. |
13.10 | There will be no new exercise set this week since last week's exercise set was larger than usual and contained material that was lectured last Friday. The exercise session on Thursday this week will go as scheduled, and you are welcome to ask questions about last week's exercises or anything else from the course. |
13.10 | The lecture plan has been slightly updated. Gauss Quadrature is the topic in Friday's lecture. |
23.09 | Evaluation of Project 1 is now ready. In this document, you will also find general comments on the most common errors. |
04.09 | Important: It turns out that sending me your student ID and username is not sufficient to get access to Nullrommet. Instead, you need to follow these instructions. |
27.08 | The first semester project is now available under Semester projects. Please read the instructions carefully and start to form your groups early. |
21.08 | Based on the Doodle poll, the weekly exercise sessions will be Thursdays 14:15-15:00 in "Nullrommet", starting next week. See Exercises for direction to Nullrommet and how to get access. |
18.08 | As agreed upon in todays lecture we will use Doodle to settle the weekly exercise session: Indicate what times fits you and please be modest. The deadline for answering is Thursday 20.08 23:59. |
17.08 | There will be no exercise session tomorrow. These will start next week and we have to reschedule the original time slot (Tuesday 19:15-20:00). This will be discussed in tomorrow's lecture. |
13.08 | Welcome to the web page for TMA4215 Numerical mathematics. The first lecture will be Tuesday 18.08 12:15-14:00 in EL3. |
General information
Lectures and exercises
- Tuesday 12:15 - 14:00 in EL3
- Friday 10:15 - 12:00 in S3
Exercise session:
- Thursday 14:15 - 15:00 in Nullrommet
- Trond Kvamsdal
Office 1344, Sentralbygg II
Trond [dot] Kvamsdal [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no (use TMA4215 in the subject line)
Teaching assistant
- Lars Hov Odsæter
Room 1340, Sentralbygg II,
Lars [dot] Odsater [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no (use TMA4215 in the subject line)
Reference group
- Runar Skagestad, runas [at] stud [dot] ntnu [dot] no (Industrial mathematics)
- Yngvild Hamre, yngvih [at] stud [dot] ntnu [dot] no (Industrial mathematics)
- Richard Groenendijk, richarwg [at] stud [dot] ntnu [dot] no (Exchange student)
Text book and other teaching material
- E. Süli and D. Mayers, An introduction to Numerical Analysis, Cambridge University Press (2003).
- Supplementary notes
See 'Curriculum' in the left menu for last year's curriculum. Be aware that changes might apply during the semester. For a preliminary list of topics, see the course description or the lecture plan in the left menu. Exercises and solutions will be part of the curriculum.
- Time: 09.12.2015, kl. 15:00-19:00.
- Examination aid C: Specified, written and handwritten examination support materials are permitted. A specified, simple calculator is permitted.
- Permitted written aids: E. Süli and D. Mayers, An introduction to Numerical Analysis, Cambridge University Press (2003), and Collection of Lecture Notes
Evaluation system and marking in this course
- The project counts for 30 % of the final mark. The final exam counts for 70 %.
- Note that if you do not hand in the project you will be able to get a final result of 70/100 maximum, that is at most the mark C.
- You get credit only for project work made during this semester.
- The total mark is the only official mark for the course. The marking of the project which will be published on these webpages is nonoffcial, and can not be referred to during a complaint.