Three students join the ref. group.

Emilie Rieber (MTKOM)

Ole Magnus Qvam Strand (MTIØT)

Cassandra Xinyi Wu (MTIØT)

First zoom ref. meeting (15th Sep 10-11):

1 (on the blackboard). Use BB notifications (e g for change of deadline of exercises, discussion board), better to postpone the deadline a little bit since some of the exercises are ahead of the lectures.

2 (on the lectures) More explanations for concepts and new notations ( e g odd and even functions, sup etc), add more contexts and slow down a little bit when jumping to a new section; try to do old exams and more examples instead of detailed proofs. For the numerical part, it is good to use python to visualise the final result.

3 (on the exercise) Better explain the problems since sometime it is hard to understand what the problem is asking for. Might use piazza for further discussions on the exercises; set an office hour via piazza.

Second zoom ref. meeting (13th Oct 10-11):

1 (General). Try to fix the Formula sheet earlier (will discuss with the other teachers). Decide to make the third meeting after the exam.

2 (on the lectures) Better use layman word (like zero point instead of root), give Norwegian translation if possible (will try if I can remember this during the lecture — use: Also better take a look at TMA4100 notes — (just checked the notes for the first lecture, it is in Norwegian, and looks vivid and easy to read, moreover, they are very structured — that is something the students wanted). Better to give more examples (for example examples close to the exercise sets).

3 (on the exercise) Better to make the deadline on Wednesday (will discuss with the other teachers). Try to post the exercise earlier (will try). Piazza is very helpful, will add TAs to the instructor list (have done that).

Third zoom ref. meeting (13th Jan 13:30-14:30):

1. (general feedback on the final exam) The passing threshold is a little bit high. It was a quite hard exam. There are too many time consuming tasks, 24 minutes for each question is not enough. Before the exam, could be better to explain whether the students can get some points if they write down related formulas (even they could not solve the problem).

2. (on the course) In general, it is fine. But would be better if we can make 4D to be a more independent course, so that both the teacher/students can decide/get information earlier.

3. (detailed feedback on the final exam)

Problem 1: Ok, but c) needs a) and b), if the students made mistakes in a) or b), it can make c) very difficult.

Problem 2: Ok, but takes a lot of time.

Problem 3: difficult exercise, also it makes the student feel that all the remaining problems would be equally hard, in this way it is difficult for them to identify those simple problems and pass the exam.

Problem 4: Better to introduce similar problems in our weekly exercise, the notation "wave equation" can be confused.

Problem 5: very hard exercise, aslo the constant alpha makes it look more difficult.

Problem 6: better to add a subproblem, so that the students would know they need to check g maps the interval to itself; also during the related lectures, better to clarify e_0, and say that it is controled by the length of the interval.

Problem 7, 8, 9: easy but need some time, some students did not have time to do them since the first 6 problems have already taken all their time.

Problem 10: difficult, xu_x is not standard; also some students think it is asked to write related matrix form, so it takes a lot of time, better to make it more clear so that they would know they do not need to do that.

2021-01-14, Xu Wang