MA8701 General Statistical Methods - Spring 2017

  • Goal: to give a broad introduction to principles and methods of contemporary statistics, see course description. The main topic of the course is Statistical Learning, with the main text being "The Elements of Statistical Learning" by Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman (Springer).
  • Prerequisities: TMA4267 Linear statistical models and TMA4295 Statistical inference, or equivalent knowledge. Knowledge corresponding to TMA4300 Computer intensive statistical methods could be helpful.


  • 09 May 2017: You should bring your NTNU-calculator with you on the exam. Note that this is a much less formal exam than the ordinary written exams. The lecturer will be present during the full examination time.
  • 24 April 2017: The exams from 2011 and 2013, as well as the trial exams for 20111 and 2017 are found under "Assigments".
  • 24 April 2017: The exam will be in Auditorium F3 ("Gamle fysikk") May 16, 9:00-13:00.
  • 17 March 2017: The simple example on pruning in CART can be downloaded from "Lecture Plan and Progress".
  • 02 March 2017: Some new solutions are now posted under"Assignments".
  • 02 March 2017: The exam will be May 16.
  • 21 February 2017: We have in class found that either of May 15 or May 16 are suitable days for the exam. If you want to take the exam and these dates are impossible for you, please notify me within a week from today.
  • 21 February 2017: The trial exam can be found under "Assignments". Note that there is no lecture on Thursday February 23.
  • 14 February 2017: The room VE rom 245 for today's lecture seems to have also the name VE 20.
  • 09 February 2017: Starting Tuesday February 14, the Tuesday lecture will be in room VE rom 245 (Verkstedteknisk, Perleporten).
  • 08 February 2017: There will be no lecture on Thursday February 23. Instead you will get a written trial exam.
  • 01 February 2017: Starting Tuesday February 7, the Tuesday lecture will be in auditorium F4.
  • 30 January 2017: The lecture tomorrow, Tuesday January 31, is in room 922 SBII (I have not yet found a suitable alternative).
  • 11 January 2017: In the meeting today we agreed on the following teaching times: Tuesdays 12:15-14:00 (room 922 SB II) and Thursdays 08:15-10:00 (room 656 Simastuen SB II). First lecture: Tuesday January 17.
  • 14 December 2016: If you plan to take the course, please send me an email before 11 January. Preliminary meeting (to decide on teaching hours) will be Wednesday 11 January 2017, at 14:15, Room 656 SB II (Simastuen).
  • 14 December 2016: Welcome to the course page for MA8701 (which is still under construction!)

Teaching Hours

  • Tuesdays 12:15-14:00 in NEW ROOM starting February 14: Room VE rom 245, Verkstedteknisk
  • Thursdays 08:15-10:00 in room 656 SB II (Simastuen) (09:15-10:00 usually for exercises)
2017-05-09, Bo Henry Lindqvist