MA8205 Representation theory of algebras

Eksamener i faget er planlagt til å være på 20. mai.

Om det er noen som ikke liker denne datoen så si fra så snart som mulig.


Lectures will be on Wednesdays, 10:15–12:00, and Fridays, 14:15–16:00. Most lectures will be in room 822, the exceptions being the \( \Delta \)-weeks (30.01., 01.02., 03.04., 05.04.) when we have to move to 922.

There will be some lectures on Mondays, 13:15–15:00, to make up for 2 weeks when I am at conferences. These will be announced here and during the lectures.

Week Time Place
2 We, 10:15 and Fr, 14:15 822
3 We, 10:15 and Fr, 14:15 822
4 Mo, 13:15 and Fr, 14:15 922 and 822
5 We, 10:15 and Fr, 14:15 922
6 We, 10:15 and Fr, 14:15 822
7 We, 10:15 and Fr, 14:15 822
8 Mo, 13:15 and Fr, 14:15 822
9 We, 10:15 and Fr, 14:15 822
10 Mo, 13:15, We, 10:15 and Fr, 14:15 922, 822, and 822
11 Mo, 13:15 and We, 10:15 922 and 822
13 Fr, 14:15 822
14 Mo, 13:15, We, 10:15 and Fr, 14:15 922
15 Mo, 13:15, We, 10:15 and Fr, 14:15 922, 822, and 822


Det kommer til å bli gitt noen øvingsoppgaver, stort sett hver uke, som vi skal diskutere uken etter.



Steffen Oppermann, room 844, Sentralbygg II, Steffen [dot] Oppermann [at] ntnu [dot] no


The content of the course is what will presented during lectures. Most of this content can also be found in both the following books:

Maurice Auslander, Idun Reiten, and Sverre O. Smalø, Representation theory of Artin algebras, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 36

Ibrahim Assem, Daniel Simson, and Andrzej Skowronski, Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Volume 1: Techniques of Representation Theory, London Mathematical Society Student Texts 65

Michael Barot, Introduction to the Representation Theory of Algebras, Springer, available on SpringerLink (provided you are on or surf through campus)

Alexander Zimmermann, Representation Theory, A Homological Algebra Point of View, Springer, available on SpringerLink (provided you are on or surf through campus)

2019-04-02, Steffen Oppermann