is a five-year project at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU, funded by the Research Council of Norway through the FRIPRO Toppforsk program. The main goal of WaNP is to analyze the interplay of singularities and nonlocal effects in the solutions of partial differential equations that model wave phenomena.


6 December 2018 Katrin Grunert (NTNU) has been granted funding for the FRIPRO Young Research Talent project Wave Phenomena and Stability - a Shocking Combination from the Research Council of Norway.
10 August 2018 Jørgen Endal (NTNU) has been award the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation Award for the best PhD thesis at NTNU in the fields of mathematics, engineering sciences, medicine, and natural sciences. Part of the research was a collaboration with Espen R. Jakobsen and Félix del Teso.
5 September 2017 Félix del Teso (NTNU) has been awarded the Spanish National Mathematical Research prize Vicent Caselles for mathematicians under 30 years of age. Part of the research was a collaboration with Espen. R. Jakobsen and Jørgen Endal. His Toppforsk funded research stay at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris in the spring of 2016 was explicitly mentioned.

In December 2016 Félix was also awarded the prize for the best thesis of the year in mathematics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
18 May 2016 Erik Wahlén (Lund University) has been awarded the Wallenberg prize for his work on partial differential equations. His work on the Whitham conjecture together with Mats Ehrnström (preprint here) was particularly mentioned in the announcement.
4 May 2016 Two PhD positions with the WaNP project have been announced. The application deadline is 31 May 8 June 2016.
29 January 2016 The WaNP project has been granted 25 MNOK from the Research Council of Norway.


28-30 September 2022 Waves and Nonlinear Phenomena conference. Venue: The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, Trondheim. Information
5–7 June 2019 Norwegian meeting on PDEs, NTNU, Trondheim. Information
21-23 November 2018 NTNU workshop on PDEs. Venue: The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, Trondheim. Program
4–7 July 2016 Non-linear PDEs, mathematical physics, and stochastic analysis – a conference in honour of Helge Holden's 60th birthday
2022-09-22, Katrin Grunert