
  • First lecture: Tuesday 30th August. No lectures week 34.
  • On Tuesdays, we'll start 08.45.
  • No lecture Wed 7th Sept.
  • Jacob will give an introduction to knitr on Tuesday 20th September in the usual room (R92). We start at 8:45.
  • Assignment 1 is now available under Assignments.
  • Assignment 2 is now available under Assignments (October 6).
  • Feedback on Assignment 1 reports: If you submitted your report by e-mail, then you should have received an e-mail with feedback on your report. If you submitted your report on paper, you can pick it up from the mailbox where you dropped it off. If you have questions about the feedback, or the evaluation of Assignment 1, please contact the teaching assistant (October 13).
  • OOOOOPS: TUESDAY 1st November we have a different room: ROOM R73; see HERE for more info.
  • Assignment 3 is now available (November 2).
  • (2nd Nov) Those who take this course as ``fordypningsemne'', please email me ( asap, as I do not know what that is.
  • Feedback on Assignment 2 reports: Some of you have received feedback by e-mail, and some of you have not. If you haven't received anything, you can safely assume that everything is ok. Those of you who submitted your reports on paper, may collect these from the mailbox (November 15).
  • Feedback on Assignment 3 reports: Again, some of you have received feedback by e-mail, but don't worry if you haven't gotten anything. Paper reports can be picked up from the mailbox as usual. Note that there will be no resumbission of assignments this term. All assignments have been approved, and the scores are generally quite high. Good work, everyone (December 6).
2016-12-06, Jacob Skauvold