Plan for oral presentations project 3
Project 1, Tuesday April 30, 16:15-18:00 in B3 and on Zoom
Problem | Group |
1a-d | Yamar Mahmood |
1e | Emma Marie Schrøder Sørset, Petter Linberg, Kjerstid Kvistad Dengerud |
2a-c | Marijan Soric, Marco Pozetto, Elena Dami |
2d-e | Matias Øiesvold, Ole Abrahamsen, Olai Skogen |
3a-b | Eirik Drage Steen, Erik Mjaanes, Sondre Rogde |
3c-d | Gard Westrum Gravdal, Marcus Nilsen Hjørund |
For those doing their presentation via Zoom or wanting to ask questions (use the chat) during the presentations, use this link: Note that you need to sign in by clicking "SSO" and then signing in via ntnu Feide.
The session will simultaneously be streamed via Panopto (maybe with some delay), a link should be available in Blackboard.
Upload your slides (pdf-format) to this Dropbox folder sometime before your presentation.