Plan for oral presentations project 1

Project 1, Tuesday February 13, 16:15-18:00 in B3

Problem Group
A, 1-3 Ine Zhao, Simen Wold (via Zoom)
A, 4-5 Bendik Gjermundsrød Holter
B, 1-2 Baptiste Tesson
B, 3-4 Kristian Willasen, Marc Müller
C Marijan Soric, Marco Pozetto, Elena Dami
D Matias Øiesvold, Ole Abrahamsen, Olai Skogen

For those doing their presentation via Zoom or wanting to ask questions (use the chat) during the presentations, use this link: Note that you need to sign in by clicking "SSO" and then signing in via ntnu Feide.

The session will simultaneously be streamed via Panopto (maybe with some delay), a link should be available in Blackboard.

Upload your slides (pdf-format) to this Dropbox folder sometime before your presentation.

2024-03-14, Jarle Tufto