TMA4300 Computer Intensive Statistical Methods
- 21.06.2016: The grading of the exam is finished. Including the results of the three compulsory projects, the distribution of the grades became: A - 12.5%, B - 45.8%, C - 29.2%, D - 0%, E - 0% and F: 12.5%. The problem set for the exam and a corresponding sketch of solution are available here.
- 25.05.2016: By now you should all have your corrected projects back. For the final grade we will sum all points you received in the three projects, divide them by 10 to get them on a scale between 0 and 30 and round them.
- 25.05.2016: A summary of the last reference group meeting can be found here.
- 19.05.2016: The correction for the Exercise3 is done, so you can pick up your report in Xin's office.
- 29.04.2016: The correction for the Exercise2 is done, so you can pick up your report in Xin's office.
- 26.04.2015: Please fill out this survey about the course, see here. The results will be discussed in the last reference group meeting on May 23.
- 22.04.2015: The last session of oral presentations will be coming Tuesday, 26.04, starting at 10:15 in S5. Afterwards I will give you a short summary of the course content and answer general questions you have. If you have any specific questions please send me an email until coming Monday 09:00, so that I can prepare it. The extra hour on Monday from 14:15-15:00 will be cancelled.
- 21.04.2015: IMPORTANT: As indicated the exercise class today will be again from 15:15-17:00 in the computer lab.
- 14.04.2016: Typo in exercise 3!!! In the description of Scenario 2 in Problem A, the third class should have covariance matrix $\Sigma_3$ and not $\Sigma_2$. Thanks for pointing it out!
- 12.04.2016: If you need an oral exam in this subject, for example as part of a specialisation (fordypningsemne) course, please send an email as soon as possible (deadline 19.04.2016) to Andrea, so that we can agree on a data. You can also mention preferred dates or dates that are not possible for you.
- 12.04.2016: The exercise session in the computer lab coming Thursday, 14.04, will be from 15:15-17:00 (not 16:15-18:00). If you have any objections for this timing please send an email to Andrea as otherwise we will try to also do the exercise on the 21st of April from 15:15-17:00.
- 12.04.2016: The correction for the Exercise1 has been done, so you can pick up your report in Xin's office. By the way, please use your names (neither student numbers nor candidate numbers) in your exercise reports.
- 05.04.2016: There was a mistake about Geweke’s Diagnostics in the oral presentation yesterday. The 95% confidence interval for Z-score is [-1.96, 1.96] instead of [-1.96×2, 1.96×2].
- 08.03.2016: A summary of the second reference group meeting can be found here.
- 07.03.2016: R-code illustrating how to define the Besag model, i.e. the spatial model needed in disease mapping, in INLA can be found in the material provided under Lecture plan for the 03.03. Note, in addition to the
term, aniid
term (and covariate information) will be needed in exercise 2, problem 6. - 02.03.2016: The second reference group meeting will be on Tuesday March 9th. Please provide your feedback regarding all matters of the course, general comments, regarding lecture and exercises, to the members of the reference group.
- 15.02.2016: A summary of the first reference group meeting can be found here.
- 15.02.2016: The last session of oral presentations, presenting problems of project 3 will be on Tuesday 26.04 and not Monday 25.04, see here.
- 11.02.2016: Reminder: The first session of oral presentations about project 1 is coming Monday 15.02. 14:15-15:00 in F2. You should all come!
- 09.02.2016: The first reference group meeting will be on Monday 15.02. at 15:00. Please provide your feedback regarding all matters of the course, general comments, regarding lecture and exercises, to the members of the reference group.
- If you have not done so far, you have to send an email to Xin xin [dot] luo [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no to register for the exercises!!!! This is obligatory.
- 20.01.2016: All exercise classes/project work will take place in the computer lab "Nullrommet 380A" . All students from a mathematical studyprogramme should be able to use and enter the room. If you do not already have access due to your study programme, please send me as soon as possible (latest 26.01) an email (andrea [dot] riebler [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no) with your name, studyprogramme, studentnumber and email address.
- 15.01.2016: As said the projects have to be done in groups of two and each group must present one part of a project through the semester in form of one oral presentation. The dates for the oral presentations are given here. Please register your group as soon as possible the latest January 26 by sending an email to the teaching assistant Xin xin [dot] luo [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no , so that we can make the time plan for the oral presentation. If there should be any date where it is absolutely impossible that your group gives the oral presentation, please also note this in your email.
- 15.01.2016: You find a provisional lecture plan here.
- 13.01.2016: You find the names of the reference group here. Please contact them regarding any feedback or comments to lectures and exercises.
- 07.01.2016: Welcome to the home page of TMA300 Computer Intensive Statistical Methods for the spring semester 2016. The first lecture will be on Tuesday January 12th at 10:15-12:00 in room S5. The lectures in this course will be in English.
IMPORTANCE OF THE PROJECTS (especially relevant for students who would like to to redo the course)
The portfolio of this course comprises a final exam, a work (projects) and an oral presentation. The projects are important in two different ways: 1. to be admitted to the exam. 2. as part of the evaluation. Hereby it is important that:
- It is obligatory to do the work/projects. The projects must be found acceptable to be admitted to the exam. If you did the project and oral presentation in a previous year and you were admitted to the exam, you will still be admitted to the exam this semester. However, see next point …
- The projects count 30% of the final grade in the course. Only projects that are done this semester will count to the final mark. If you did the project in a previous semester the points will not be transferred, i.e. you will only be able to achieve a maximum of 70%. In order to be counted to your final mark, the projects have to be re-done this semester.
The projects have to be done in groups of two and each group must present one part of a project through the semester in form of one oral presentation. The dates for the oral presentations are given here. Please register your group as soon as possible the latest January 26 by sending an email to the teaching assistant Xin xin [dot] luo [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no , so that we can make the time plan for the oral presentation. If there should be any date where it is absolutely impossible that your group gives the oral presentation, please also note this in your email.
Andrea Riebler, room 1242, Sentralbygg II, andrea [dot] riebler [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no
NB!! Please use TMA4300 in the subject header of all emails concerning the course!
Xin Luo, room 1026, Sentralbygg II, xin [dot] luo [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no
NB!! Please use TMA300 in the subject header of all emails concerning the course!