TMA4300 Computer Intensive Statistical Methods
Reference group
Name | e-post | Study programme |
Ingeborg Gullikstad Hem | | MTFYMA |
Kristian Aga | | MTFYMA |
Summary of reference group discussions
1. Meeting (15.02.2016) :
General: Students like the course and the book by Givens and Hoeting seems fine.
* Student appreciate to have the slides available before the lecture.
* The slides are nicely prepared and summarize well the content.
* Also the use of the document camera on Tuesdays is appreciated.
* Lecturer should not hope for very interactive lectures, as this is in conflict with how Norwegians are ...
* Maybe it is enough to make clear that students can always interrupt if there is something unclear.
* Students find length and difficulty of project exercises ok.
* Students feel that they get sufficient help for the exercises.
* The lecturer might make more clear how a good "report" should look like.
* Also the oral presentations are appreciated. It seems a good idea to practice talking in front of a group.
2. Meeting (08.03.2016, 12:00):
General: Students still tend to like the course, but part 2 is clearly more challenging than part 1
* go through more details on document camera even if they are on the slides.
* give more motivation and background information to what is done and why.
* would be good to have a summary lecture or a question & answers session
* first project seemed quite easy and was ok. Second project seems scary with long formulas, ...
* teaching assistant should be better prepared to answer questions.
3. Meeting: (23.05. 15:00)
Discussion was mostly based on online feeedback of 13 students.
* Feedback was very positive
* Students liked block structure, also it might not work for all courses
* Oral presenations were received very well
* Most people are statified with the course
* Good that course is tought parallel to spatial statistics
* Slides were appreciated, also that they were able before the lecture
* Good lecturer
* Project 2 was clearly the hardes
* More guideance regarding INLA would be needed if it is covered in the project.