TMA4300 Computer Intensive Statistical Methods
- The projects have to be done using the statistical package R. See here.
- The projects have to be done in groups of two persons.
- The solution to the projects can be in Norwegian or English.
- It is obligatory to do the projects. All projects must be found acceptable to be admitted to the exam. That means a reasonable attempt must be made to solve ALL problems. If you did the projects in a previous year and your were admitted to the exam, you will still be admitted to the exam this year. HOWEVER, see next point!
- The projects count for 30% of the final grade in the course. Only projects that are done this semester will count to the final mark. If you did the projects in a previous semester the points will not be transferred, i.e. you will only achieve a maximum of 70%. In order to be counted to your final mark, the projects have to be re-done this semester.
- The project classes will take place in the computer lab "Nullrommet 380A" during the assigned lecture hours. The teaching assistent and/or the lecturer will then be there to answer any questions you may have. If you have questions outside the project classes please contact preferably Xin xin [dot] luo [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no.
Project | Text | Files | Deadline |
1 | Project 1 | — | 29.02, 24:00 |
2 | Project 2 | Additional files | 13.04, 12:00 |
3 | Project 3 | Additional files | 02.05, 12:00 |
Please find here some guidelines for the projects, project report and oral presentation.